
A baby bird was brought in my my cat and it was ok but now its like really tired and wont pick up its head....

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wat can i do to keep it from dieing.......his not fully feathered just his body and his heard is thinning from feathers so please help me!!! what should i feed it?




  1. If it has any cuts then it will probably die.  Cat's have a lot of bacteria in their saliva so any wounds will kill it unless it is treated with antibiotics.  Take an eye dropper and drop water on the tip of its beak.  For food soak hard cat food in warm water until it is very soft and then use a toothpick to feed it.  It should open its mouth for you but if not use another tooth pick and pry it open from the side.

  2. im a vet hold its head carfuly it will open its moth get som tuna and stick it in he will eat it to give it water get a hampster water thing and open its moth and put it in and squez the bottle so water comes out then do that evey 2 hours.

  3. they eat chopped up worms i assume... but the mother may have dropped it from the nest because something is wrong with it, the mothers can tell. just like if a hampster eats its babies, its because something was wrong with it and they knew.... ewwe  

  4. It sounds like it's dying mate. Just keep it somewhere warm and maybe call the RSPB

    The cat would have left puncture wounds in the bird which may well have damaged its internal organs.

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