
A babysitting job, is this fair pay????

by  |  earlier

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Ok well i went on a camping trip for a whole weekend with my family and another family . No one in there family is my age, and that means i was the oldest 'kid'. It was basically an adult trip, and the parnets of the other family said they would pay me if i took them where they wnted to o all weekend to keep them out of there hair. I am 15 years old, i had to watch these kids play on the playground a half of a mile away from the camp site, chase the ice cream man around for them, watch them on the raft trip, i mean, ALL OF THE PARNETS WERE DRUNK! I also had to wake up at 7:30 and te shower JUST so i could up for them to take them to get hot chocolate.

there were 3 kids:

8 year old and 2 6 year olds.

the 2 6 year olds always faught.

Ok ready to hear the pay that i got for that whole 3 days?





I got 3$


3$ not 30, i got 3 dollars.

This is NOT fair, right?

Oh btw these people arent poor! i knwo for a fact, trust me.




  1. I would send them a bill in the mail for $50. Show $3 paid, with a $47 balance.

  2. Considering they SAID they were going to pay you... no, I do not believe 3 dollars was enough pay. 30 dollars would have been a LITTLE better but if it were me, I would have paid at LEAST 100 dollars since it was the whole weekend..

  3. wow.

    i would demand at least 40 for 2 whole days of babysitting.

  4. I am a mother and babysat for years. Right now the going rate is $8-$10 per hour. Because you are 15 years old, I would let them now that you are charging them $8 per hour. It sounds as if you worked about 10 hours per day.  That would be about $240 for the weekend. If I am wrong about the hours, then obviously fix the math. I think that they are just taking advantage of you. If they decide not to pay you, I would refuse to babysit for them again until it is paid.

  5. Yeah, that is definitely unfair, and I would agree with the person above that you should send them a bill with the $3 subtracted. I am a 21 year old female and don't make tons of money and if someone were to watch my kid for 3 days, I wouldn't even be that cheap.

  6. that horrible they took advantage of you i agree with the person who said send them a bill for the remaining balance.

  7. I just paid my baby sitter 50$ for four hours to watch a 6year old and a 8 month old. I don't make a ton of money but I wouldn't want to be cheap. You can either talk to those people and tell them that you don't think you got paid fairly for watching them the whole weekend. You could ask your parents to talk to them. Or you could just suck it up and next time either agree on a set amount ahead of time or just tell them you would rather not.

  8. No that is not right.  30 dollars would be better but i dont think that would be enough if you had watched my children for a whole weekend.

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