
A betta question, PLEASE HELP?

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i am getitng a betta sometime soon and i want to know when i am mocing him into his 2.65 gallon tank before i put the water in and all (ps: i am not using a heater my friend has a happy healthy betta who has been living for over a year and doesnt use one!) when i fill up his tank with water do i let the water sit or do i just put the tap water right in?? (i am using water conditioner) pleae help me out




  1. you can just put the water in

  2. 1. add water

    2. add conditioner

    3. run filter (a tank that small realy should have a filter) a heater should also be used to keep the temperature stable.

    4. cycle the aquarium for atleast a month (read up on the fishless cycle)

    5. acclimatise the fish (read up on this)


  3. tap water will work just as well as  water that has been sitting

  4. i have a betta in a fish tank with nothing in it but a plant and rocks!  and yes it's fine to put him in tap water as long as you put the declorinater.

  5. You need to set up his tank before you bring him home mainly to be sure the water is room temperature and to let any harmful gases escape if you have city water.let the bag he will be in float in the water until they are the same temperature.about 30 minutes. I have 2 betas and they don't need a heater. once we had about 6 and our heat was out for about a week and they died so be sure your house is comfortable for him. good luck!

  6. You need to put water conditioner in the water if your planning on using tap water. Also, just because her betta is alive, doesn't mean it's happy... you shouldn't have a betta without a heater. They are not made to be in room temperature or cold water. Sorry

  7. with water conditioner, that should be fine, but make sure to float the bag he's in for ten mins, then add some of the 2.65 gallon's water and then float for another ten mins, then release him, he should enjoy that... Oh and no heater is needed as long as you don't live in like, Antarctica of Stanthorpe or some freezing cold place like Melbourne... They should adapt to the room temperature

  8. you will just put the water right but you will want to cycle your tank,which means you must let your tank sit for a week to about a month depending on how serious you take it. with your filter running and with your beneficial bacteria. That's when you'll add your fish. as for your friend she probably keeps her house at a certain temperature consistent with the tank you'll need to keep your house at a constant temperature especially with a 2.65 gallon.

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