
A better, friendlier and happy inmate ?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think prisoners would be nicer and better rehabilitaed if they had to wear costumes instead of "Prison Uniforms"? I mean how tough can Knuckles be dressed as the energizer rabbit or sponge bob?




  1. Since when does humiliating someone make them any nicer.The only benefit I can see would be that if it didn't make them worse it may cause them to take themselves a little less seriously.(Thererby busting their tough guy "self-image.")Having said that I think its highly unlikely.

  2. I don't think it would work that way. Costumes would be more agrivating. The purpose of the same one color uniform is that you are the same as everyone else. You are a number, not a person. You are a criminal, you have lost a lot of the priviledges that being a regular citizen can afford you, such as wearing designer clothes or even picking out your own clothes cuz clothes after all are a status symbol....Costumes would just be silly, more for the guards benefit than the prisoners. While I am not against treating criminals as criminals, making a joke out of them is uncessary.

  3. Why, yes! Dehumanize them even further! That should do the trick, right there.

  4. I think the prison uniforms pretty much do the job

  5. That is the best idea I think I have ever heard on this site. Have a star from me.

  6. awesome! i'd have to say it would be quite a tourist attraction! haha...heck, i'd pay to see that c**p. lol!

  7. would make them meaner

  8. On the contrary, this country is far to soft on criminals as it is.

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