
A big ask but what do yu think?

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love him.He said he loved me.We never had a relationship.We had a fight months ago.Bad things were said.He gave me an ultimatum to tell me I loved him.I didnt cause I was hurt.We hardly spoke.I saw him again recently and things were tense but ok.If I said hello he did too,if I started a chat he chatted back,but things were tense.Now though,if i try to make eye contact he looks away but says hello,and if I say hello he answers but seems really uncomfortable.It's confusing though because he seems if I have done something new to him.I have made no attempt to be in his face,just polite if we bump into each other,so he is under no pressure.I dont know if I am doing the right thing by giving him space though.His behaviour is like he is angry or hurt because the situation we are in, we have to say hello to each other for politeness sake,even if we hated each other.Does he want me to make the first move?Is that it?Why is he becoming more and more uncomfortable around me,more angry,more upset.Am I doing the right thing by keeping my distance?




  1. I posted an answer to your question yesterday. Reading more on today's question leads me to wonder. Do you think he's seeing anyone? I think he is still showing signs of pain from rejection and fear of being hurt again. All I can say is, you're hurting cuz you don't know. You have feelings for him, he said he had feelings for you before. Either he has someone and feels awkward because he doesn't know how to tell you (or) he put himself out there and has nothing to show for it (or) he wants to get back with you and isn't going to dare to put himself out there to be smashed again. Maybe he's ashamed of how you guys ended.

    Think of what you really want, think about all the good and all the bad. You said things were said, was that on his part? You don't need to be in a relationship with someone who is disrespectful of you or your feelings. Was it you that was saying mean things? What was the reason the things were said? Do you still feel that way? Did you have good reason to say what you said? Think about this wisely and don't make a decision based on feelings alone.

    The only way you can put this puzzle together is to ask him for his pieces.  

  2. I did not have to read all of this to tell you, this guy is a manipulator, and his anger says he is a potential abuser, stay away from him.

    Call the domestic hot line in your area[front of phone book] to find out more of what to look for.

    Be aware, stay safe

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