
A biological question about slitting wrists?

by Guest67120  |  earlier

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Please dont get the wrong ideas .This is only out of curosity. How much blood loss results in death ? How long does it take to bleed that much ? Is a person still concious after significant blood loss ? Can a person freeze to death due to blood loss ?This is only out of curosity .Thanks!




  1. You can hit your radial artey (the main one supplying the hand) if you cut about 5mm into the skin on the side of your thumb. if youcut this artery, it will not take long for the person to exsanguinate (bleed out) and die.

    first the person will become unconscious

    body temperature will decrease suddenly because blood is being shunted away from the skin to other more important areas

    and then after loss of about 1 liter (about 2 pints) it's difficult to help the person unless medical attention is immediate and good.

  2. Actually, say someone used a razor. They wouldn't have to hit the bone to cut large vessels, causing a lot of blood loss. Losing too much can make that person lose consciousness at times and could possibly be fatal.

    Most say losing about 40% of blood is fatal, but it's not exact.

  3. cutting your wrists can  be danger to your health if you cut a main blood vessel and die from lack of blood. if u loss atleast a quater pint of blood you can die and i dont think u can freeze to death from blood loose

  4. If you hit a major artery, you'll probably lose a lot of blood, and you can hit arteries using a razor. Usually, if you lose a lot of blood, you do pass out. When you hit an artery, there's an initial bit of spurting, but once the blood starts to clot, it doesn't come out all that fast. And by the time you lose enough blood to freeze, you'll have died. Hope this helps some.

  5. are u going to try it?

    no i mean just asking out of curiosity

  6. I have never, in any way, cut myself but I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you probably wouldn't lose a lot of blood if you used something simple like a razor blade. If you were to cut a big enough slit and it hit the bone, then there's a possibility of severe blood loss. I dunno, I'm not a doctor. On the other hand, I am NOT encouraging you to do this by saying that so not do it!  

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