
A bit concerned...?

by  |  earlier

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I might be getting a rabbit. I have 2 dogs that will be separated (obviously) on the otherside of the yard.

But my parents would NEVER let me bring it inside because its a new house and blah blah yeah the usual lol

I need to bring it inside at night to protect it from feral cats and stuff but I'm not too sure because my only option is the garage or the shed.

The garage ~ Great place but REALLY worried my dad will come home late at night and gas the rabbit with the car fumes.

The shed ~ Probably the preferably but my dogs are on the otherside of the shed so I'm scared they might bark and stuff and the rabbit might try to hurt herself or die of shock.

What should I do?




  1. try the laundry. i had the same problem. thats were i have my guinea pig.

  2. If you haven't got suitable housing for the rabbit then you really need to think about it carefully, but if you introduce the dog to the rabbit from a distance, and if you buya larger species of bunny, then the shed would probably be fine.

  3. Don't get a rabbit. That's what you should do. Better to wait until you're in a situation where you can properly care for one than to get one that you CAN'T properly care for. You're right to be concerned about predators and fumes, but the best way to avoid things like that is to keep the rabbit in the house.

  4. The shed is fine - to get fresh air.

    I suggest that you make a rabbit house that is elevated so even if the dogs bark, the rabbit will not be affected. You may ask your dad or hire someone to build it. Be creative, draw a design so your cute rabbit could play inside also.

  5. i think they will both be fine! i think the garage would be better but just talk to your dad!
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