
A bit late maybe..........but at least something is getting done!?

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  1. too  right  , they should have done  something   before   ,its  such   a shame  its taken  17 deaths  for them   come  to their  senses that   they  are  all  linked  in  some   bizzare way  , too little too late   as  always    !!

  2. About bloody many more kids need to die before they get their @rses in gear.....

  3. There is no harm in trying but the problem is that suicide is not a new thing...It happens everyday and really, there is nothing anyone can do to prevent it.

    Nobody will know when someone decides to take their own life for what ever reasons.

    It's very disturbing when young people take their lives because we just can't understand why they would do it.

    I don't mean to put a damper on things but unfortunately, all this is a part of life and we can only hope that it doesn't touch our personal lives.

  4. Why don't the Powers That Be realise that, whether or not there is an element of copying in the Bridgend tragedies, these young people must have had serious mental health issues?

    As a school teacher and a former depressive, I have recognised many of my students to be seriously depressed.  

    Depression is a 'secret' illness.  A depressive will often appear normal to others, however, when he/she is down in the 'black pit', they avoid other people as much as possible.

    Maybe one or two of these young people *were* seeking attention - a cry for help, but most were old enough  to know exactly what they were doing, and the intention was there.  

    What does this say about our society?  

    Where young people are deprived of the carefree childhood that many of us have had?  

    Where children and young people are expected to endure the overwhelming stress of passing exams, in subjects that are mind-numbingly boring, that seem (and frequently are) irrelevant?  

    Where they are constantly told by teachers and parents that, if they don't pass, they won't get a job?  

    And who spend as much time on school work and home work as an adult does working full-time?

    How do these kids deal with parents breaking up, their own failed crushes, the pressure of drug culture?  Who can they talk to?  Who has got time to listen?  Who is there for them, to advise them and help them?

    No one.  

    Everyone's too busy, making money to spend on glitzy cheap rubbish, so they can prove to themselves that they are happy.

  5. Well they say Mrs G that 'better late than never' but in this case these words have no meaning - it should have been sooner and a lot sooner then maybe most  of those lives would have been saved.

  6. FFS, Why TF didn't they already have one???? this should have been an issue after the first one, never mind the 17th FFS!

    By the way the box was 3yrs and 2mths old, funny that!!! PMSL

  7. Yes

  8. I'm still very curious as to what has caused this recent spate of teenagers taking their own lives.

    It's very strange how they have all happened within the same area.

    I hope they get to the bottom of it sooner rather than later.

  9. I'm with kimmy on this one mrsg....and if I was the Mother of a Teenager/Young Adult in that area I'd be to bloody frightened to take my eyes of them at the moment !!!

  10. I'm with Kimmy on this one

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