I could really do with some advice please, I visit my local pet shop regularly and when I'm there I always have a peek at the corner with all the pets. For the last couple of months I've noticed this little female russian hamster in a cage by itself getting bigger and bigger. It has no toys/wheel and a disturbingly green coloured water bottle. I finally asked about the little (or big!) hammy and the woman replied to me basically saying it was old, no-one wanted it and it bites!
This disgusted me, no wonder it's terrified and bits the way it's being treated.
Basically what I wanted to ask is, I'm keen on getting her because I feel so bad for her...but is there any hope on changing her ways? Or does this look like the end for the little thing, her coat is all matted and she basically waddles. Will I be able to help at all?
Any advice would be great x