
A bizarre mystery. Where did it come from?

by  |  earlier

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Last night before going to bed I cleaned my dressing room, particularly the antique dresser. The top of which was cluttered. I took everything off and shook out the cover. I put my clothes in my bedroom so I could dress and leave quickly in the AM. Coming back after lunch I found on the dresser top an old coin from Barbados. No one has been in my house but me for two days! I have not been in the dressing room since I cleaned it! What do you think about this?




  1. That happened once to my boyfriend. When he woke up one morning, there was a gold hairpin on his dressing stand, a woman's hairpin.

    There were no women in the house, and he asked everyone he knew, even neighbors, if they had ever seen the hairpin or even one like it before. Nobody had. It remains a mystery to this day.

    There was also a blonde hair next to the pin, but as there were many people with blonde hair who could have transferred it there, that may not have been mysterious.

  2. I think you put it there and forgot about it.

    You are having a nervous breakdown.

  3. Either this coin was mixed in with other coins or objects or someone else placed it there.  It seems unlikely a spirit, which has no physical presence, would be able move a physcial object to your dresser.

  4. Look into "pennies from heaven" ...this is a common occurance, that people find pennies appear out of no where.....

  5. Mysterious objects can materialise - usually at a time that their appearance will be most noticed - (after you had cleaned and tidied the dresser - otherwise you may not have noticed).  When something like this happens it is usually an indicator or a message to pay more attention - be a little more observant to what is currently happening in your life - there may be an opportunity presenting itself , that may well seem insignificant at the moment, but may in fact be more relevant to your future than you currently realise.  It is not necessarily the coin itself that is significant - it may refer to work, finances, 'Golden opportunities'  etc., you may be considering a career change, if so check out your options!! (Probably something that is so obviously in front of your face) Take a chance - the prospects are good - the coin is a very good omen! GOOD LUCK!

  6. I  don't know what kinds of things you  had on your dresser. Did you have any kind of jewelry box or any kind of box? It could have been stuck to the bottom of it and fallen off when you moved it.

  7. I am thinking it was mixed in with other change, perhaps accidentally exchanged at a store or something. You overlooked it when you cleaned off the top of your dresser.

    Thats my guess.

  8. The year of the coin is important. If its in a year of famine or pestilence or depression throw it in a hole you dig with the bone of a cat. If it is in a year of plenty keep it in your pocket at all times to bring guardian angels to guide you. The coin being there mysteriously is a sign spirits trying to bring you luck or grief. Found objects do not belong to you, they are there for you to find. What you do with them is a matter of research and decisions. I have a $5 bill that I found in 1980. It does not have "IN GOD WE TRUST" on it and the year is 1954. I found that year was a year of prosperity. I have it in a safe place where I can look at it when I want to. It has a value of $2000. I would never sell it. Be careful to use a cat's rib bone that died of natural causes because death by splat on the highway is not a good thing.  Natural death is a less bad omen. The hole should be under a tree of life. There are many trees of life you must look them up and do the research yourself because only you can decide which one speaks to you. Make sure it is not outside the branches and on the north side or south side in the southern hemisphere. The sun should not shine upon its burying site.

  9. Well if it wasn't mixed up some how maybe it's a spirit. And maybe it's attached to the coin, or maybe Barbados. Maybe it's trying to tell you something. Just keep it in mind if something else happens.

  10. is there any possibility you are being watched by a detective or even law enforcement.  i believe sometimes that although they must do their jobs they feel sympathetic enough to let you know they are watching.

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