
A black guy staggered into a police station with a knife in his back....?

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He was immediately arrested for having a dangerous weapon on his person

do you really think the police are racist?




  1. This is false infomation.


    The police do alot for us, and its idiots like you who give them bad publicity.

    Were you there to witness this? No, the keep your gob shut.

    The police are fair, and how can they be racist when black, asian and indian people work for the police aswell.


  2. a true story or made up more like,  some police are but that goes for all walks of life

  3. Looking at the responses on here - it worries me that most of these people have the vote!

  4. He should be arrested.

    Its the law.

  5. That's just about as stupid as the black man found hanging in a tree ! He was immediately arrested for stealing the rope! of course its racist and should be stopped

  6. hahahahahhahahhahahah

    that was amazing,

    and yes most cops are racist

  7. I knocked two down, one landed 50 yards behind me the other came though the windscreen, one was charged with breaking and entering the other for leaving the scene of the crime.

    No the police arn't racist they drove me home as I was so blind drunk I couldn't walk or talk.

    This isn't intended to offend our afro carribean friends or the police.Lighten up people.

  8. this one time I found 7 dollars laying on the floor of a bar.. then the next day I was at one of my hockey games and my lace broke... today i read the most stupid question ever... and it was not yours!  so do i think they were racist??  I love cupcakes!!!

  9. It depend where it was if it was detroit or nyc maybe because they are use to gang violence and tend to be numbed by it(i tend no offense to people ln these cities, this is what is see from to days culture) but if it was in a location where African people are dominate then i would say no.

  10. You didn't say  where this happened or who the arresting officers were so it's difficult to say by your rather loaded question.   Were the officers black and did this happen in say Kenya?    I guess we are just to "Suppose" it happened in New York city and the cops were white?    

  11. He had a knife in his back.....from the sounds of it, yes i would think the police are racist.

  12. its a good job he didnt die, he'd have been arrested for murder

  13. WTF?. If he had a dangerous weapon, so then arrest him.

    I hate when the excuse is 'racism'.

  14. Source?

  15. Is this a true story? Give us a link or something to the story.  

  16. yes, police are that racist, I saw the OJ trial

  17. Haha

    I get you

    and I'm black however I completely agree!

  18. One word I really hate and that is "Racist", Why do people have a fetish about the Black People ? After all we have all kinds of colours in peoples skins, as they come from all over the World. So why do you think that White means that you are different... because you are not. We are put onto the Planet for different reasons, and therefore there are different colours.....  but we are all on the same Earth. We are no better than the black person... but we strut around thinking we are better.There are  lots of the Ethnic race who are very clever, and have super brains, as you can find them in big business, Finance, and way down on the factory floor.We are all Gods children(no I am not religous) just being fair, so remember that if you sit, work, or have a cup of tea, in the Company of a black person.. remember he is like you ... a human being. Treat him as such.. he could be your boss one day...By the way The Police in New York are not racist, and I should know... I have two Grandsons in New York... both cops.. !! and each and every one is a Copper first, and a person as well. They speak highly of those people they work with. Black or White.

  19. A man walks into a bar with a lion and says to the barman "Do you serve p@kis here?" the barman replys "or course we do, we are not racist here".

    The man then says"I will have a pint of lager and a p@ki for the lion".

  20. Stop reading those spermarket tabloids.

  21. no hes a real danger to society keep him in jail! he was trying to save your dumb a.s.s from this criminal

  22. Well, they did not shoot him on sight at least.  

  23. There will always be a percentage of the population that are racist, in all walks of life, and the police force is no exception.  

    However, certainly as far as the UK police are concerned, if a police officer DID have racist tendencies then he would much less likely to act on them than the average person.  Apart from any other factor, he would be booted out of his job.  Police officers are trained to put their personal feelings aside.   In 15 years working alongside police officers, I can honestly say I have only once seen evidence of racism - and that person was kicked out the force.  

  24. me thinks too many people are taking you seriously. Naughty boy!!

  25. People are racists, and cops are people.

  26. uhh if he came in with a knife stabbed in his back and they arrested him for havng it... DUH

  27. I don't think the people in here understand the point of this question..It's way over their heads.

  28. The way your mind works is quite disturbing, maybe your one who fights in gangs, you know the type, the one that's stands at the back and lets everyone else fight first....

  29. Oh, PLEASE. I do not believe this.

    And yes, I think SOME cops are racist, but certainly not ALL.

    Not all cops are white either, dumbasses.

    What are you, prejudiced against police?

  30. cunty ballix here thinks hes a funny guy

  31. Well it`s normally Blacks that do Knives and Guns... before you call me racist check the facts!

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