
A black man took the MCAT and got a 43N. Should he apply for medical school?

by  |  earlier

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he's 37 years old




  1. what does the color of his skin have to do with it ? just wondering.  

  2. I understand why you make a mention of your skin colour because indigenous people are marginalised when it comes to education.

    But making a specific mention of it just fuels the divide.

    Be proud that you are educated, intelligent and willing to further yourself, because that is what matters when it comes to college/ university. Not your ethnicity.

  3. If you have the passion to become a doctor...YES.  How, may i ask, did you study, I need help?

  4. Go for it! Good luck :)

  5. Skin colour makes no difference dude.

    SO YES

  6. Only if he wants to be a doctor.

  7. and how tall was this "black man"?

  8. who cares that he's black?

  9. Yes.

  10. I don't know what the color of the person has to do with the persons ability and aptitude to go to medical school. I would say YES go for it. I would not let age hold you back either.

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