
A blind persons martal art. . .?

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My friend Mike is blind and im wondering if there Is there a form of self defense or marital art that will help him defend himself?




  1. Hi there

    I think this isn't a question about style but more of a question about the club and its instructor.

    Your friend needs to find a good school where the instructor is willing to help your friend develop. Equally important is that your friend needs to be comfortable learning the art. Nearly all the arts can be adapted to suit your friends needs but i feel that he will benefit from the ones that require direct contact and build on sensitivity. Not that i like to recommend a specific style but i feel the Chinese arts or Filipino arts will work better for him.

    Best wishes


  2. Yes, Your friend can defend himself by using his ears as his eyes. it will a lot of practice and hard work but it will help in the end. it will be hard but successful in the end

  3. it's called a seeing eye dog.  Only and idiot would mess with a guy who has a dog near him.

  4. it is not easy to train in real self defense for an able person. There are so much to learn and tactics and timing, and techniques, counter attacks....etc.

    Unfortunately, there is a saying that you can not defend against something you can not see.

    BJJ may help him a little bit but not much.

    The best dedence for him is to hire a body guard. or to set traps around the place so, if an intruder comes in the house the traps will do some serious damage to the intruder. But still body guard in the best option. Even if he has a gun, he still may not be able to defend him self, so, any other martial art is just unthinkable.

  5. I think any sort of marital art form would benefit your friend mike. I would just contact local instructors to see if any are willing to accommodate special needs. Check this video out

  6. tai chi

    defently tai chi it is a great matrtial art for blind people, i cant really explain it but theres suomething  about the form of tai chi and how it uses inner strenth and all this other stuff.

    all in all best for blind people.

  7. Well Wing Chun trains people to respond via contact. We do a drill called Chi Sao which is about sensing movement via touch. At an advanced level, practitioners practise this drill blindfolded. If you check on youtube you can see Bruce Lee (who studied Wing Chun) performing blindfold chi sao to great effect at the Long Beach Internationals in the 1960's.

    It's a simple direct art which might suit your friend better than most.

    I'd agree with the other poster about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as well. Being blind is always going to be a disadvantage in an attack but grabbing your attacker is always a reaction and this is where BJJ comes in useful. I remember seeing a few blind people at various clubs and seminars over the past 15 years.

    The key though is to find a patient instructor and a well run club.  Your friend is going to need to be comfortable and the club needs to accept and help him from the start.

    Hope that helps and good luck

  8. As others have stated almost any MA will do. My TKD instructor had a blind man get to 1st Dan. This was before I started and never met him, but the second hand descriptions of his abilities were impressive.

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