
A boat going against a current of 6km/hr?

by Guest59502  |  earlier

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There ia a current of 6 km/hr. It takes a boat three hours to go one way and two hours to come back. It travels directly into the current on the first trip and with the current on the second trip. What would the boats speed be in still water.




  1. Du = Dd

    (V-6)*3 = (V+6)*2→

    V = 30

    You got it right.......

  2. 2(v+6)=3(v-6)

    2v + 12 = 3v - 18

    12 = v - 18

    v = 30

    You are correct!

    24 x 3 = 72 = 36 x 2 check!

    bye for now.

  3. D = S+6 * 2h

    D = S-6 * 3h

    (S + 6) * 2 = (S - 6) * 3

    2S + 12 = 3S - 18

    2S + 12 + 18 = 3S

    2S + 30 = 3S

    30 = 3S - 2S

    30 = S

    Still water Boat Speed = 30km/h

    30km/h + 6km/h = 2h

    30km/h - 24km/h = 3h

    Distance = 36*2 = 24*3 = 72km

    Coincidentally and confusing;

    (2h + 3h) x 6km/h = 30km / (3h-2h) = 30km/h

  4. sorry: corrected from first post

    silly! Thank you steve.

    The distance up = distance back

    distance = net speed x time

    d=(v-6)*3  distance up

    d=(v+6)*2 distance back

    solving for v:

    v=30 km/hr

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