
A book that teaches you to eat according to your blood type??

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know the name(s) of this/these book(s)? I have heard of this before and would like to research the book. Thank you!




  1. Well, you've got your title, but if I could venture an opinion, this idea is not well regarded by most doctors.  A friend of my wife's tried it, and I saw some of the leaflets; it struck me almost as a medical horoscope: such broad generalities that almost anyone could look at the blood type profiles and make it apply to them.

    Also, some critics have noted the convenient fact that he sells all the 'blood-type correct' food bars and supplements that his regimen recommends.

    So good luck, but I suggest a strong dose of serious research before you start buying into it.

  2. It's called "Eat Right for your Type"

    Link below.

    Good luck with it - I found it very interesting.

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