
A boy and girl question? Just curious.?

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This is just out of curiosity, its not a question of who you loved more or nothing like that, just be honest. Out of experience with baby girls and baby boys which would you pick and why? Because i know people that say "Oh ide have 20 boys before ide have 2 girls". Is it because girls are whiney or needy? Or boys are more simple and easily amused? Im just curious. Thanks =)




  1. All my boy cousins and my nephews are little brats! I would rather spend a day with all of my female cousins than have to watch ONE of the boys.

    NONE of them are easily amused, while the girls are.

  2. I asked a guy at work the same question because he has 8 children (with number 9 on the way) he said boys are usually more difficult when they are young but easier when they are older and girls are often easy babies but can be little drama queens when they get older.

  3. boys practically entertain themselves and when mad sleep and are harder to upset and make cry  

  4. omgggggggg boys are so much more easy to handle.

    girls are so complicated. they ***** theyre emotional and wayyyy

    too high maintenance.

    girls are expensive.

    boys can be a pain in the butt

    but theyre not as annoying.

    i know im a girl... i feel sorry for my parents  

  5. my best friend has 4 little sister, ages 0,2,4, and 6 and ive been there since they were all born. teyre cute, but they can be really annoying and wont leave you alone. especially when girls are teenagers, its the worst time

  6. I like boys more. because their more calm. babygirls can be divas and they can get whatever they want. i mean yeh babyboys can be lil brats at some points. but their more laid back. =)

  7. boys, they are less verbal and easier to handle.

    but I still like baby girls

  8. With a boy, you only have to worry about one p***s....with a girl well you have to worry about EVERY p***s.....

  9. When I was preggers I was 100% positive i was having a boy. I raised my nephew and he was so much fun, then that fateful day came and the ultrasound tech told me I was having a little girl, I went into complete shock. I am not kidding I shook for like 2 hours and my BP went through the roof. but once the shock wore off I was in 7th heaven. now my daughter is here, she is 1 1/2 mo -9 wks (preemie) she is the bossiest sassiest baby I have ever met, she is utterly dramatic. I adore her though she is soo much fun, and I get to dress her up all pretty and put bows in her hair. she is beautiful. i wouldnt trade her for a quiet easy boy for anything in the world.

  10. Hrm....well, I have 2 girls and a boy;  my boy is the youngest.  The girls were fun b/c I could dress them up with cute hair bows and dresses. But, my son...that kid is a character! He has a huge imagination and comes up with the craziest things. lol  He definitely talks more than the girls ever did...I can't shut him up.  As for independence, they are all really independent. I can't say which is more so...I guess it's the way we raised them.

    I can't pick which is "better" b/c some days are better than others....for all of them. lol

  11. lol.  I have 2 of each.  I've always been more of a tom-boy so I was prepared to raise my boys.  I remember finding out my first was a girl and I said to my mom "What the h**l am I going to do with a GIRL?"  LOL.

    But in all honesty, I love all 4 of them the same.  I'm fond of my boys because we can get dirty and play football and skateboard.  I try this with my girls and they're concerned about getting dirt on them or messing up their hair, lol.  But I've learned to deal with nail polish, make-up, and Hannah Montanna for them.

    It's not that either one is 'easier'.  It's just more of what kind of gender you relate to better.  But even if you're a girly-girl, there's nothing like having your little mommy's-boy.  And I'm finding that there's nothing like having my two little princesses, either.  There's so many fun things about baby boys and baby girls.  They have just as many pro's and con's either way and they're both a blessing to have.

  12. I like boys. At every age. No I'm not a pedophile. I have a younger brother and a younger sister. My sister is really rude and I don't relate to her at all. And my brother and I get along so well, we play games and he just is up for anything. And easy to talk to and he doesn't gossip and lie and take my things like my sister. I love her but I get along with my brother much more. But when you have children, obviously its different, you love them no matter what they come out as. Well at least I will. I want one girl first and one boy after. :)

  13. boy's they seem to be entertained easier.... that my persona opinion

  14. cause boys can hide the family jewel's in their bags lol  

  15. Oh boys aren't always easier... mine can be a right little monster (in a totally good way). As I'm typing this, he's hanging on the table, swinging his legs, I've given up trying to take him off, because he just does it again. I'm waiting for the big fall.

    My son is not easily amused, he demands constant stimulation, while my niece is the easiest child to keep busy. This could just be a simple personality difference.

    I prefer boys though, nine out of ten times they're rough and tumble and all over the place... but I like this about them. I like that my son climbs on things (at 11 months no less), hangs on the table, bangs his head shake it a few times and goes on with life. He's not clingy, but there are times he's not feeling well and all he wants is his mommy. It's a good feeling.

    I always wanted a girl. When I found out I'm having a boy, I asked my mother "What on earth am I going to do with a boy?!" Now, I just want boys and sincerely hope my next is a little boy too. They're so much fun!

  16. I have one of each and boys are generally more loving. eg they like to sit on their mummys knee, more cuddles etc. My daughter certainly cries a lot more than my son ever did but all babies are different, regardless of their s*x.

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