
A brazilian is welcome in london?

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A brazilian is welcome in london?




  1. why not?

  2. nope they shoot them on sight....

  3. No, they should stay away....our stupid coppers use them for target practise !

  4. only if your a female and good looking or a male who is fantastic at football (soccer)

  5. yea, every word is a word everywhere.

    If that makes sense?

    Oh, wait sorry, I thought you asked, is brazillian a word in london?

    Well anyway.... yes you are welcome!

  6. Didn't we shoot the last one?

  7. Perhaps she is referring to a style of bikini line waxing that some ladies have...

  8. Yes my best friend was Brazillian but she left :'(

  9. Yes ofcoarse, there is probably hundered of brazilians in london right now its a very multicultural city.It would be possible to find almost every nationality in london

  10. yes!

    and um have u noticed that yahoo is like frozen????or am i alone???

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