My horse was being very unlike himself today, bucking, bolting, and not responding. I was not using my own bridle or but as an angry evicted boarder took them earlier that morning and some of you have said he may have not liked the strange tack. I don't know if this is it because it did fit him, though the bit was a bit thicker than his usual d ring snaffle. Should I ride him tomorrow in strange tack or wait to get mine back? I don't want to leave him sitting for a week (about the time before I can get my stuff back) after a bad lesson like that but I don't want to put the bridle on again if it was bothering him. What would you do?
The whole story;_ylt=AjjTuDDChtA7j71.MCHce1uQ.Rd.;_ylv=3?qid=20080628143654AAClyLN