
A broken heart has destroyed me???

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how do i get over my self-worth feeling destroyed by a man who broke my heart? It's been several years... and i don't think i will ever feel the same... i've just don't feel worth anything. he made me feel that way. i collapsed and never got back up again. is that normal to feel affected and changed for life? what can i do?




  1. you have to forget this mentally. try to have control over you mind.

  2. move on!  cause if you don't you will dwell on the past and it will get you no where.  We all have are downfall with relationships mostly men but they just move on and live to see another day

  3. Alas, it is normal to feel this way.

    But, it does not last.

    You might meet someone else (better?) that will make you feel like a million again.

    Just don`t let the actions of one person ruin your life.

  4. Maybe you feel you've been destroyed by a broken heart but there comes a time when you absolutely must move on and start having a life of your own. After several years you've been carrying this too far by letting this man still have unnecessary influence and control over your psychological and emotional well being. There is nothing normal by clinging to the past by torturing yourself over something that should been laid to rest a long time ago. What you need to do is stop wallowing in your destructive self pity and face up to the fact that by dwelling on what you perceive as a shattered self image, you haven't let yourself heal which has made you deprive yourself of having a meaningful life that still is out there. That is, if you really want it bad enough and can pick yourself up to be able to finally go after it. Sure, a broken heart has destroyed you. But are you certain that you aren't using it as an excuse to keep letting it keep you overwhelmed feeling powerless to take control of your life? The time is now long over due to stop the drama and finally get on with your life. You have to face it that this guy is never coming back and playing the victim has gone on long enough. Harsh reality and all, you're not supposed to "ever feel the same" and there are things in life that will affect and change you for good. That doesn't mean that you give up on yourself by feeling worthless as a person. Bad things will happen but that doesn't make you a bad person if you get rejected by some guy. What is bad is when you let it go on for too long and let it ruin any chance to have a decent and happy life. Don't measure your self worth blaming one person who made you "feel that way". After all is said and done, you are the one who is responsible for your own self worthiness and keeping yourself feeling collapsed and permanently broken is just a cop out that will keep you from moving on. The choice is yours to either give it up and take control and realize that you are, and always were, a meaningful and worthwhile person, or go on feeling empty and alone by some guy from a distant past who really wasn't worth all this trouble which has gone on for so very long but now must come to an end.

  5. all i can say is move on.....that dude aint woth nothing....u are worth morer then proud show people u are strong. i been though 2 heart breaks in one year.

  6. thats happens to the best of us... if it was meant for you be together...YOU WOULD BE...just try going out and meeting new people...GOOD LUCK!

  7. several years.. dear god women pull yourself together already hes probably married with kids right now just go out there and get some s*x before your virginity grows back or something what your going through is only what everyone else goes through

  8. Get a life and move on  

  9. Well yes, a break up can mess your life up.

    I think it is ok to feel upset and feel like you're not worth anything.

    But you should one day realize that you worth more then. SO you have to get out of your house and go party or something.

    I think that it may affect you for life. But it depends how much you let it run your life.

    GOod Luck!

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