
A bug died in my car and the eggs it laid hatched and now I can't get rid of the Maggots. What can I do?

by  |  earlier

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The bugs are in the hole where the seat belt buckle sticks out. I've vacuumed and scrapped them out but I keep finding more. The maggots aren't really maggots, I think anyway. They vary in size and color. I don't know what kind of bug it was that died, nor do I even know if it really did lay eggs. But it was definitely dead when I cleaned it out, it was hollow. The largest of the worm things I've found were golden brown in color and about 2 cm in length and looked either fuzzy or had a lot of tiny legs.




  1. If there are larvae in your car then it would seem some sort of bug has planted some eggs there.  Most bugs lay their eggs in an area that has a food source for their young, so perhaps you should vacuum out that car more often.  I would think any insecticide would work.  However, that's toxic.  It might be better to just get a high powered vacuum with a small attachment to suck them all out.

  2. Ewwww-sounds like some X-files sh*t!

    call scully and muldaur. or-

    get some kerosene and a match...

    jk-sorry-but i hate bugs-if it was me i really would probably have to get a new car. good luck.

  3. All that, as above, plus use carpet-fresh on the seats/seat covers and floors, spray and vacuum.

  4. Spend a few bucks on a car wash and upholstery job

  5. ugh this is why people need to keep their cars clean (not saying yours is a mess but yeah) I'd say take it to get detailed, they should be able to stop your problem and your car will look and smell good when they are done

  6. What does this have to do with ghosts and UFOs? Send some bugs to that CSI guy and maybe he can identify the corpse they've been eating. :)

  7. Check this web page, it has a picture of a bunch of maggots and how to get rid of them, if they are maggots.

  8. Sorry Pal, those maggots are eating something.

    You've got a bigger problem than a can of bug spray will cure.

    There is something dead in your car that the maggots are feeding from, until you remove it the maggots will continue to hatch, feed, grow, hatch, feed, grow...

  9. Purple can of Raid has egg stop formula.  Smells good.  You'd think that it was room air freshner.  Kills nearly any thing that moves, hops, squirms, crawls, or slithers.  Try it, they won't like it.  I promise.

  10. Throw in a room bug spray fogger and let it fume the car for 24 hours, and then ventilate it very well.

    You just have to clean it out real well.  You need to not only get out the food supply but the eggs.  If you get out all possible food then the bugs that hatch will starve before they can lay new eggs.  This may mean taking the seats out and cleaning under them, behind them, and taking the seats apart as much as possible to clean them out.

    Many insect eggs are like virus spores; almost impossible to kill with antibiotics or insecticide until they open up.  So once you have cleaned out your car you have to keep it very clean to keep out the bugs.

    Somehow insects are finding a way into your car and you need to find a way to block that entrance.  The bug bomb will help you there if you watch it and see where the leaks are.  Don't breathe in the fumes though because that is a gas, a nerve poison that stops the action of your lungs.

  11. can you take some pics?

  12. Get a can of Raid and wage some chemical warfare.

  13. go get some of that bug fogger stuff that you buy at wal-mart . and let it go off in your car...maybe it will get rid of them....but read and make sure you can use it in your car...I know you can in the home

  14. Don't worry they will turn into flies and fly away in a day or two.

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