
A bug flew into my eye today. What do i do? What should i do?

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should i be worried? it feels like theres something in my eye but i think it's just irritated. It's also red. I washed it out with water and then put eye drops in it.

Can i do anything else?!?




  1. leave it overnight and see if it works it's way out by the morning (as you sleep, gunk in your eye usually makes its way to the corner).

    If it is still bad tomorrow, perhaps you should go to the doctor.

    Are you sure it was a bug?  A couple of years ago my eye hurt and I thought I had sand or grit in it and the doctor sent me to the eye hospital and it was an infection.  So if it doesn't go, seek medical treatment.

  2. That's gross, I'd be freaking out, lol good job for you being calm. I don't think anything bad will happen, you've done all you can do. Usually stuff will come out of the eye like lint, dirt, sand, etc. Crying really helps also...the bug can't be stuck in there forever contacts got lost in my eye and it eventually came out! hahah..

  3. Use eye drops

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