
A bulldozer is parking on our street and we can not see when we exit out of our block?

by  |  earlier

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This situation is in staten island ny and had been going on for months now, it has been reported to 311 as a complaint 5 times the police dept had also been notified numerous times, the bulldozer which has commercial plates on it is creating a dangerous situation the owner of such vechicle likes to keep it parked there in front of his house but its so large we can not see oncoming traffic when we try to exit out of our street. the status reports from 311 are never acurate and very vage one example is the police state must be handled by midnights ,then another stating it is not in there jurisdiction, 311 also states they dont know why the police dept 120 are not responding, they informed me now to contact the public advocate which i did yesterday july 19 08. they took all the info and the refrence numbers from the calls to 311. if anyone has any suggestions i would be glad to hear from you .thanks




  1. I can see how that would drive you and others crazy.After all it can cause an accident. you said you called the public advocate. best bet is to wait to see what they do. sounds like a tricky situation altogether. good luck!

  2. Go to your town hall and get a city parking regulations form from them (explain your situation as well).

    The form (or pamphlet) will say what violates parking/street code. If the truck does in fact violate code (which I suspect a machine of that size obstructing traffic view does) the city will request he move it or they'll move it for him.... and bill him for the removal as well.

  3. Contact your Alderman.  It appears that your government officials are quite lax.  Unless the bulldozer is sitting on a trailer near a construction site, it is in violation of several ordinances.  Weight restriction is one of them.

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