
A bump on my lower eyelid?

by  |  earlier

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I had a night out last night and came back home at 4:30am so I was too lazy and tired to wash off my makeup properly. I had quite a lot of concealer and foundation as I had panda eyes from the night before so I only had washed my face lightly with water before sleeping. Now, the next day I have this bump under my eye and I'm not sure if it's a pimple...or bacteria from the makeup or a sty? Picture included. Thanks in advance.




  1. I don't think that it is a sty.

    There are two types of sties: external (on the outside of the uppr or lower eyelid) and internal (on the underside of the upper or lower eyelid).

    An external sty starts as a pimple right next to an eyelash. As it swells, it becomes red and painful. The swelling usually lasts several days before it bursts and then heals. Most external sties do not last very long

    I think it looks more like a bite or blocked pore .   It's best to leave well alone and it will heal and go away. Drink plenty of water and don't play, squeeze or put anything on it.

  2. Looking at the picture i would say its a bite of some sort, its not in the right place for a sty as sty's are right on the edge of your eye lid.

  3. hmmm if it kinda hurts it might be a sty.

  4. That's a sty. They occur as a result of a minor bacterial skin infection, usually staf. If it was a bug bite, it wouldn't be red around the area, it would be a centrally located bump. How it is elongated, and has reddened your surrounding skin tells me it is a sty. They occur on, and around the hairline, so placement isn't a good determining factor. Go to your doctor. He'll give you antibiotics and eye drops. With proper use of these a sty will clear up in a few days. Without medication, they can be persistent, lasting up to months in some cases. Makeup and face washing are not big contributors to these things. They happen because of bacteria and not chemicals in products. No big deal though , I've gotten one before and it cleared up quickly.

  5. it doesnt look like a sty to me a sty is usually right at the hair line in your eye lashes it could be a bug bite or if it is because of the makeup you could put some tripple anti biotic ointment on it for a few days if that doesnt work the go to see a doctor for some eye drops

  6. maybe it's a mosquito bite. that happenned to me once and it looked just like that.

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