
A bunch of loud, unruly children that make a mess and cause a big disturbance.?

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Where should I take them to diner?




  1. Tacos by Julio on Highway 6.  Really.  It's a hole in the wall near Hwy. 6 and Bellaire, but they have good tacos.  The kids all act that way.  It's incredible---really an experience.  They have a wrap around booth that spans along one long side and the back of the restaurant and the kids love to get on the booth and run the length of it.  NO ONE SEEMS to care!  Wow!  Take the crew!

  2. Are they hispanic?

  3. I'm not trying to offend you, but my honest answer is to not take children like that to any restaurant. Why are these children loud, unruly and messy? Parents really have to take responsibility to teach their children how to behave in public. Of course no one expects them to act like saints, but what happened to manners and respect? If I acted up in a restaurant my parents made me wait in the car! What are these children going to do as they grow up? How will they ever know how to conduct themselves in public if they are taught it's okay to act unruly and make messes??

    Why should other patrons with well-behaved children be subjected to a group like that? Further, why should the employees of a restaurant have to deal with it either? It's the staff's job to serve food and drinks to their tables, NOT to babysit and clean up after them!

    My advice would be to take them to someone's house, perhaps one of their parents. If the parents allow the children to act like that, then they should deal with it.

  4. Most of the responses will mention "family restaurants", but as a DINK, i should not have to put up with your kids being unruly or loud.  That is why Chuck E Cheese and places of the like are so popular.  It allows a kid to be a kid.  Several of my friends have children and we caution them that if they are get loud or unruly, that first they are paying and second we are leaving.  I will not be at a table with kids that cannot act correctly at a dinner table.

    I do not expect to have a quiet dinner at Papa's or most of those restaurants or even at a Red Lobster as mentioned by another person.  I still expect a child that is misbehaving to be punished.  You do not have to beat them, but take them away and make a threat a reality.  I recently watched a mother tell little Timmy 13 times that if he did not behave, he was going to the car.  I knwo the mother did not really mean it and so did Timmy.  He eventually took a bottle of ketchup and squirted it at his mom and hit my wife.  They paid our bill and our laundry bill for my wife's blouse.  They should have given us a gift card for our next dinner too.  The manager at the restaurant was not even considerate to us, and was really rude.  She said what do you expect from kids.  I said it was not the childs fault.  I for one will never go to a Joe's Crab Shack ever.

    Keeps kids under control or at home.  Not at a restaurant.  Teach them how to behave or go home.  They will learn if you teach them, and they will tahnk you when they are older too.  I know I sure do thank my parents.

  5. I would take the little tykes to the park for a fun dinner of their favorite foods and let them run around and tire themselves out.  Then when they get home they'll go right to bed and you and your significant other can spend some quality time together.

  6. The cafe at the zoo would be nice.  Or McDonalds.

  7. keep them helions at hime and order pizza

  8. The Cheesecake Factory. It's loud enough in that place to drown out even the loudest children. If the messiness factor is worse, go to a buffet or Joe's Crabshack.

  9. Chuck E. Cheese.

  10. Old Country Buffet is slop trough - it's ok to take ill-mannered uneducated children there. Olive Garden and Red Lobster are nearly as disgusting and attract a similarly low-life clientelle.

  11. Congress??? Both houses are that way. So where do they go to dinner? Any place they want to and the tax payers foot the bill.

    So you have a bunch of congresspersons and senators?

    Where else take them to the zoo, they will feel right at home with all the animals. Feed them popcorn and cotton candy and hot dogs until they can't take any more and then as if they want to go to eat. They will say no lets go home

    Problem solved.

  12. It doesn't matter where anyone suggests you will end up dining right next to me and Joe.  One of your kids will take a liking to me and continue to visit my table and ask me stupid questions like "Do you like toes?" and he will put his sticky little fingers on my shirt.  One of the young girls will come over and as for a sip of my 26.00 dollar drink and eventaully Joe will explode and yell at a kid.  I will feel like a complet jerk and we will dine quickly and leave early.

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