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logically thinking, how long would you know a person before being in a relationship with?? what if you just met a person and you felt a connection and wanted to go out with her and have her as your gf?

is there like a special time that i don't know about? cuz if i like someone i just like her! i don't need time to know more about it.. i just know it.. but is it really better to wait to get to know each other more and then see if you want to go out together?

switch her to him if that's the way you go..




  1. I know for a fact that you can have an instant connection with a person that you've never met or had any contact with.  I threw all of the preconceived notions about knowing a person for a certain length of time, any of that, out the window.  When I met my gf, it was like being struck by lightning, and I had never once laid eyes on her before in my life.  Sometimes you just know...

  2. It depends on the intensity of the chemistry... when you are just talking or walking together or looking at each other. Try and be aware of the sexual tension in a convo with her (Im bi, but saying her is always hotter in my opinion..sorry my lil moment) if it is high like WAY UP THERE then common ask her out.

    Life happens once (I never take my own advice Im in love with this woman and we have amazing chemistry but I havnt done anything bcoz of tragic technical difficulties) but if you can ask her out (or him) then do it. :)

  3. When it comes to relationships I take things one day at a time. If you worry too much about where it's going, you miss out out on where it's at.

  4. I think once you get to know the person properly and you really hit it off, then defiantly can call them your girl/guy. It may take some people longer or it may take them just an instant to 'click'. Only you would know when the time feels right.

    My last relationship ended short because I felt too weird calling him my bf even though I've never actually meet him before. Things were way too rushed. I just felt pressured to say yes out of guilt. Plus I was pretty young then and didn't think through things.

    I've learned to just wait until I really like the person and know them quite well until I jump into a relationship.

    Hope this helped :)

    Much Love


  5. I'm probably not best qualified to answer this one.  I asked my partner to marry me before we'd even met face-to-face

    That was possiblly the riskiest thing I have ever done - and I think it's sheer luck that it all worked out, but it does reflect that it is possible to have that instant spark.

  6. well... just have a few get togethers so the other person can find out more abot you;...

  7. If you meet someone and like that person right away, there's nothing wrong with asking him/her for a drink or coffee. Then if that works out, you can go on a longer date.

  8. I would wait, only because when you just meet someone you don't know them at all.

    It's also always better to be friends with someone first, I'd probably make an exception if I seriously fell in love right on the spot but that's never happened haha.

    I've thought I've liked people plenty of times, then once I got to know them I ended up rarely talking to them.

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