
A can of DAP Tex Insulating Foam Sealant exploded ?

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in my clothes closet. What is the best way to clean up the mess? Can I just wash the clothes? It is also on the walls & carpet? Please help.





  1. Go to the local hardware and buy a gallon  of  acetone and a quart of paint stripper. You will need rubber gloves and have several fans running so you have air ciorculation. Pour out the acetone into a heavy bowl and takean old brush and apply several coats to all foam. Let set and leave the area. After about ten minutes return and take paper towels and wipe up the liquid foam. It will be fommy and slightly runny. Do not get any of this on your hands, face or clothes. You can remove most of it this way. For clothers try the acetone and see what happens. It will remove most of the foam from the clothing. Use the paint stripper and a small brush on the clothes where the acetone didn't get all of the foam dissolved. I would take all the clothes with foam on them to the guarge or outside in the freash air to apply solvents. Remember that these solvents are not to be breathed so have lots of fans running.This DAP tex Foam sealant is very hard to remove from certain pieces of clothing but if you are careful and use a small brush on only the hardened foam it can be removed with acetone. You will knotice that the foam is disolving a little at a time. Be sure to read the labels on all solvents and follow safty precautions. Make sure you have safty glasses so it cannot get in your eyes. I had one blow up because of heat in my closet and I ended up spending about a week on the clean up. Some fabric will not be cleaned with either solvent so they may become kitchen rags.  Put all paper towels into a big garbage bag and remove from house and breathing air. Very flammable. The carpet will take longer because the foam is down in the fibers. Just coat, let stand and wipe. Repeat till cleaned. There is a hotline number on the can that you can call for help.

    After you empty the closet and have cleaned the floor , ceiling and walls , you will have to paint the walls with a good primer and repaint. The clothing cleaning is time consuming. Take one piece and work on it. I found that leather items had to be dry cleaned after I cleaned them. Some items had stains from the spots where the stain was removed. If you take your time you can clean up this mess. Just be careful.

  2. From what I recall, that stuff is water soluble while wet.  It may not be a bad idea to wait until it dries though; it scrapes off pretty easy when dry.

    The Great Stuff brand is quite the opposite, it sticks like glue right out of the can and takes days to get off of your skin.  That's why I switched to the DAP brand.

    I can't vouch for the DAP's removal from all of the surfaces you mentioned, only drywall and wood so use your best judgement and take it off as soon as you can.

  3. trow them away

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