
A car hit my car and he gave me the wrong insurace info.?

by  |  earlier

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can i file a hit n run police report? his insurance is not valid




  1. Did you get his tag number? You should tell your insurance and they will fight that for you so you dont have to stress about it because trust me they are not going to want to pay lol

  2. Yes as soon as possible.

  3. yes do it, the guys just tryin 2 get out of payin insurance 4 the accident

  4. he did this because he knew he didn't have insurance to cover the cost and he wanted to flee before it was found out and he might go to jail... Notify the police of your situation and they should suspend his license until it's satisfied, making his next traffic stop a trip to jail...

  5. Yes you should...but you will never see the guy again.

  6. werent the police on the accident site? yes you need a police report

  7. yes! straight away too...

  8. OOOHHH ya file a report! U've been had!!

    You cant let them get away with this!!

  9. yup, you sure can! as long as you have the guy's license plate number you should be good. you should've called the cops when the accident first happened, they may give you a hard time about that.. good luck!

  10. you need to do that right away but you may not even find the guy now that hit you,chances are he gave you a wrong address also,but i would file report on it as soon as i could,they might find him,good luck with it.

  11. Yes, you should call the police and then tell them how dumb you are for not getting his drivers license and tag information.

  12. GO FOR IT, thats wrong for him to do that, he is just trying to weasl his way out of paying

  13. I am assuming you filed a report with the police - get a hold of the officer and let him know.  Then tell you insurance all the info you have on the guy and the report number.  Your insurance will try to hunt him down they will also pay for your repairs unfortunately you will have to pay you deductible but the insurance will hunt down the guy and try to get the money back for you.  I was in an accident and the guy had no insurance or DL and I paid my deductible and figured I would never see it again.  Then I had something happen to my car another time and needed tire real bad had no money went to the mail box and there was a check from my insurance from this guy 3 yrs later and this was after I received a letter from the insurance claiming they were closing the case.

  14. i guess u can i hope u have his license plate #

  15. i would fill out a police report and notify my insurance company

  16. If a police report isnt filed at the scene and time of the accident, you are going to have a tough time.  Insurance companies require police reports to substaniate or disprove claims so this is a big problem.  If you know anyone in law enforcement, see if you can run his tags (if you were able to write those down).  

    Side story:

    I once rear ended a car on the highway and gave the guy my insurance info fully expecting to recieve a call about how to proceed with payment for the damage I caused.  However, my insurance company (State Farm) told me that without a police report to verify the other drivers story, I would not be held responsible for any payments.  I live in PA


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