
A career or job that works with animals but not blood?

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I'm coming up on college and it's making me think of what I want to do in life (haha, obviously). I want to work with animals but I can't stand/nearly get sick at the sight of blood, so being a veterinary would be out of the question. What types of careers/jobs work with animals?

Yes, I know I don't have to decide NOW, but it's something that I just want to research and look into. If this idea doesn't work, I'm looking into business and computer information systems.




  1. work at a humane society just taking care of animals and such

  2. What about marine biology? My sister almost went into this. She loved studying animals, but not working with them so much. You could study animals (you'd have to focus on a specific type), and then once you graduate you'd do research on them. Write journals of how they interact in their habitats, study newly discovered species, study animal disease.

    There are lots of ways to go, but you could look into it more. I'm from MI and we have a lot of marine biologists around who study the marine life in the Great Lakes. Depending on where you're from, maybe you could shadow someone who studies/researches animals or something like that.

    Good luck to you! Career decisions can be so overwhelming, but just remember this: do what you love and put everything you've got into it. Even if people tell you you won't get paid well or you may not find a job...if you try to be the best --------(whatever!) you can, you'll be satisfied in your choice!

  3. Dog training, pet sitting, boarding kennel operator, professional show dog handler, pet groomer, pet shop operator, animal communicator, stable operator, horse trainer, animal handler, zoo keeper, and others.  Actually there are quite a few animal jobs out there that don't involve veterinary medicine.  I'm not sure with what kind of animals you are interested in working with either so the list is short.

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