
A case where a specie has been introduced into a escosystem and explain which were consequences?

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I need to write about a real case that is about what happened when a specie (animal or plant) was introduced into another ecosystem and what were the consequences, but I don't know where to start searching or any case... any idea or name of a case?

sorry for my bad english

thanks in advance




  1. there's lots of cases...

    -dodo birds for one..

    -wolves were brought to yellowstone, then interfered with private livestock (fairly recent case)

    just google it  :)

  2. Common rats have been accidentally introduced into island ecosystems. The results are generally disasterous for the local wildlife and fauna. I've added link to a recent article on this.

    Timothy D.

    West Melbourne, FL

  3. Australia

    Rabitts introduced and with no natural preditors, had a population explosion.  

    Cane toads brought in to control insect they are out of control and are poisonous.


  4. dutch elm disease the fungus was introduced to N America after WW 1 in  infected  elm logs brought over from France the elm beetles infested the logs and spread the disease to healthy N American elm trees the rest is history the demise of the elm tree species in N America.Long Horned Asian Beetle at present is destroying the ash tree of Southern Ontario and Michigan thought to be introduced in a shipping container from Asia.

  5. A couple of years ago I was in New Zealand.  There was a HUGE problem there with the imported Australian possum.  The possum was out competing small native animals as well as causing damage to native plant species.  The Oz possums were so prevalent, there was hardly a rual road where their carcases were not littered about after being run over by traffic

  6. Look up Zebra Mussels in the Great Lakes. They are a non-native  species that has caused all sorts of problems. There is a lot of info posted on the net.

  7. Do a search on Kudzu.  

    This is a non-native vine that was INTENTIONALLY introduced to the south-eastern US for some reason.  It has effectively taken over the SE united states and is now impossible to irradicate.

    Good luck.  (And your English is fine.)

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