
A cat in need of a helping hand?

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My cat somehow got its paw hurt. He cant move it. He tries to walk and his paw just flops on the ground and the bone above his paw is the thing letting him walk. He also has some wort of red thing on his leg part of his leg has lost some hair and there is some red skin. I know he is in pain. I found someone to take him to a vet. But i dunno how much it cost. Could you help me?

Please I need a low priced vet. I REALLY want my cat to live. He also doesn't eat much. Help!




  1. You could call your local SPCA and/or local shelters.

  2. IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW MUCH IT COSTS!!! take it to the vet immedialy. if you dont want her to die then take him. if you dont then it would be kinda mean watching the poor cat suffer.take him

  3. Yeah pricing with animals is a problem for me too, My new kitten is very sick, and we cant take her to a vet yet,

    your cat could of hurt its self so bad, that it's limbs turned red

    or it could have a Tick, and also have broke its paw, But it like on a bed or something so it cant move relax her, and take her to a cat litter every 30 minutes to see if she has to p**p or not.

  4. Honey you will need to call around to your local vets..use the yellow pages. Describe the problem and see what sort of pricing options they have and if they have a payment plan.  You will need to do this as soon as possible though hon in case it is something very serious that has a chance of spreading. I hope everything turn out okay, poor little kitty.  

  5. vets can get expensive but they are really  the only way to go especially on something like that

    ~sorry i would feel the same way for my cat

  6. Why don't you ask a neighbor or friend to take him to that shelter you said you found in that very similar other question you posted two months ago about another one of your cats being deathly ill and not knowing what to do?

  7. Youre cat may have gotten into a cat fight and the other cat may have bitten his paw.I pour proxide on to it 2 times a day for about 5 days.And Sorry you are not ever going to find a cheap VET.Im sure you might be able to doctor him by yourself.But if it gets worse after 3 days.Youll need to take it to a vet.That depends on how much you really love your pet cat.Good Luck!

  8. Well you should call around and get prices for vets in your area. I have found that farm vets, although further from the city, are cheaper than other types of vets. They tend to care more about the animals too. There is a place in Salem Michigan but I don't even know what state you live in so it's hard to recommend a vet. I wish you lived in the Ann Arbor, MI area because Salem Veterinary services are the best at the lowest cost. No matter what pain your pet is in, DO NOT give it Tylenol or ibuprofen because it can kill your cat.

    If you can not find a vet in your price range, there are some vets who will allow you to make payments on a visit. Be sure to ask when you call the various vets in your area if they will allow you to pay over time.

    EDIT: your mom may hate cats but I am sure she loves you. If you tell her what is going on and beg her, I am sure she will help. What mother can look in her kids eyes while their pet is suffering and not help? If you need to wait overnight, just make sure the cat is as comfortable as possible until you can get it to a vet. Put him on a comfortable pillow or blanket and keep his water and food nearby.

  9. look online for a rescue group or no kill shelter near you, you can also check your local phone book. call them and tell them your cat is injured and needs help and explain that your parent(s) will not help it and that you can't. they may take the cat but it will get medical help that it needs. I am sorry but really if you can not adequately care for your animal then you should find someone who can. I know it sounds mean but realistically the cat needs medical care that you can not provide. it is in pain and deserves to be treated.

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