
A cat recently adopted us and is pregnant...

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We just recently moved into a new house, and a cat adopted us... she is pregnant, and she eats very little, won't drink milk, but drinks a lot of water... could this be a sign of soon to be delivery?




  1. She needs to see a vet.  You'll need to make sure she's healthy.  Many of them do stop eating shortly before they deliver but that could also be a sign that something is wrong.  She'll need a check up and a blood test, neither should be very expensive.  

    After the kittens are born you can worry about vaccinations and spaying. If you can't care for kittens and she isn't within a couple weeks of delivery then she can still be spayed.  

    No milk.  A high quality kitten food would be best for her.  But it may be that she's used to things other than cat food to eat (small animals or trash depending on what's available in your area).  Try to get her some wet food, possible get her eating plain chicken or turkey and mix that with other food.  

  2. Cats do not drink milk.  It will give the cat the runs and dehydrate it.  Only water should be given.  I give a small amount of soft food to my cats and leave out a bowl of dry cat food all the time with the water bowl.  If the cat trusts you she will have her kittens some where close to your home.  She can get pregnant soon after having the kittens, so if you can get her fixed.  If you can handle the kittens soon after birth, you will be able to find homes for them.  If not, they will become wild and not be able to be handled.  Since mama adopted you, she was owned by humans at some time in the past.  You might make-up a birthing area for her in a quite, out-of-the-way place, or she will choose a place her self.  She will go to the place when it is time.

  3. Is she living inside or like a stray, does she stay outside and be quite timid?

    If inside, just make sure she has a box with quite high edges .. but make sure she can get in and out .. a small dog box would be great, but cardboard is ok too! A kitty pyramid would be ideal. Line the box with firstly newspaper, then blankets and/or towels.

    Make sure the room is nice and warm.

    Make sure she has access to water and food at all times ..

    then just keep an eye on her ..

    if she goes into labour and seems to have difficulty, you may have to call a vet out,

    Try not to disturb her too much..loud noises can be quite stressful e.g  vaccum cleaner, TV, Music shouting ..

    Don't give her too much fuss either .. just keep am eye on her.

    Im no expert but those are like basic guidelines.

    If she trusts you, she wont mind you getting to near her litter, but dont fiddle with them too much, no matter how tempting they are !! =D

    Also. if there's a runt .. be sure to watch its getting its share of food and warmth. If worst comes to worst and she rejects it, they're easy to hand rear .. by buying some kitten milk, which most vets will tell you where to buy, but normally is some in pet shops and stuff, and keep it in a box which is small enough to keep it secure, then put a hot water bottle (make sure not TOO hot !LOL) and put it under some blankets, then put a clock aswell as this will make it more comfertable.Definatly ring your vet and ask them how often you should be feeding and stuff (normally 3 hours)

    Also, you know washing baskets ..with the holes in? Used for clothes (DuhLOL!)

    Well my friend didnt give her pregnant cat a nesting area and she gave birth in one of them .. and one kitten got its head stuck in the hole and broke its neck, and the monther was fussing over by the time they got home all the others had died.

    You'll need to KITTY PROOF your house once they've started expoloring !! Lol



  4. It could be a sign of dehydration, or kidney failure.

    Drinking a lot of water is not a good sign. If it is a large concern of yours, take her to see a vet immediately.


    Cats are lactose intolerant and will give them diharrea.

    Are you sure the cat was not abandoned by the previous tennants of the house?

    If you plan on keeping her you will have to make her a place for a nest.  and where the kittens can be touched/ played with but not harrased.  (otherwise they will become ferral)

    When she has had the kittens MAKE SURE TO HAVE HER SPAYED as soon as possible.

    drinking a lot of water might be that she has no good sources for water, and that she is thirsty!  After all she has a bunch inside her who need liquid.

    keep doing what you are doing (NOT THE MILK though)

    good luck

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