
A challenge for you poets out there! --have fun with it !!?

by  |  earlier

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I am giving you an article but I want it in poetry form lets see what you can do !!


One really has to ponder on this really hairy topic,

Have you ever questioned do dogs ever get them?

I know your thinking, who has ever heard of a dog having a hair ball, cats yes, dogs no!

Not so fast!

When a dog licks himself, he must swallow some of the stuff, just because he doesn't gag on it, and it doesn't show up on the floor,doesn't mean he doesn't get them.

Ok! gonna go now, just thought I would throw that out there!




  1. "Hi",

    One really has to ponder,

    On hairy balls of wonder,

    Cats ball of yarn,

    She rolls in barn,

    Of hair ball piff,

    Caught on my carpet, whiff,

    Question do dogs get them?

    Cats yes, dogs no!

    Not so Fast!

    Hair balls Plast,

    Dogs l**k,

    Swallow fluff,

    That’s the hairy, bally stuff!

    It’s time to vacuum,

    This d**n floor,

    Kick them dog’s right out the door,

    Now I have no hairy balls!

    Sorry took so long. I was meant to come on again last night. But my husband decided to take me out for dinner. We normally go out once a year on my birthday since having chilldren. 2008 has been a special year. This is my 3rd outing with my husband and It's only been 7 months. Whoooooo! : )

    Cheers : )

  2. like old bones dried up in wraps of fur lined trees with oat vermin a mist in this wakened land..........why when, death cleaves near .......will souls stray ...When light peeks through such horror fills vacant drink and be merry.....there is h**l to pay.

    Just shows how UNSOPHISTICATED you guys are ...That was a work from a FAMOUS 19 century English Poet about WIld DOGS........or somthing.......LOL one of those POEMS that is too sophisticated to RHYME it is not a >>"Roses are Red Violets are BLUE "<<type is REAL "poetry" not "prose"

  3. Oh what is that?

    I've got to get rid of it

    I'll sit in the corner there,

    and have a time with it

    Eww, it's in my fur

    I have to keep it clean

    I will l**k until my tongue falls off

    before it will stay on me

    ah..finally, I think it's gone

    oh my, I feel a little scratch

    now I cough like crazy

    it's a really big patch

    oh no, it's come out

    oops, it's a hairball

    I'll walk away and pretend

    I know nothing about it at all.

  4. where is your poem

    and dogs don't have hair balls

  5. Maltese dogs are beautiful, snow white, little fur balls.

    They have a shiny coat but they don`t shed at all.

    They l**k themselves but they don`t swallow fur balls.

    If they swallowed fur balls, Maltese Breeder wouldn`t be able to handle it at all.

    For her heart is attached to her furry little friends.

    Maltese are fun little doggies, so she`ll love them, breed them and defend them till the end.


    Maltese, I love you,

    you are my companion,

    and my furry friend.

    Is that a good haiku?

  6. I'm not a poet. It's been a while since I've taken a class where poetry was discussed. FYI.

    "Hmmph Hmmph" "Ack"

    What's that noise?

    What's that sound?

    Is something wrong?

    It's the cat

    The cat has a ...

    Furball! No! That's not it.

    It has a hairball

    Dogs don't get it.

    Dogs don't get it.

    "Hmph Hmmph" "Ack"

    What the heck?

    Not very good but it's a real try. 3 minutes.

  7. I think that I shall never see, a doggy hairball as lovely as a tree on which a canine can pee.

    OK, I'm just goofing.  It's been a long time since I had a pet dog,  but I remember seeing more hair clinging to the furniture than in ball form where he was concerned.  But who's to say?  Being a breeder of dogs you know more about them than I do. Hope you like my (second) attempt at poetry :)

    EDIT:  Did you happen to see the one I posted? Unfortunately that is the only one I have in my poetry file.  All my other writing is fiction stories. What did you think of the other?

    EDIT 2: Poem link:;...

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