Quick question. My husband and I have been TTC for the past, almost, 22 months. I've been temping and using the OPK's - but it seems my luteal pahse changes greatly with each and every month that passes. It was, on average, 10 - 11 days for a long time. Then, after one month of clomid it went to 13. The next month on clomid it was only 10 days. We did one medicated IUI, Gonal F, Ovidrel and added progesterone, so that bumped it up to 16. We were just forced to do a break cycle due to cysts from the Gonal F & IUI, and this time, it was just 9 days - started spotting (which I've never done before) 8DPO.
Has anyone else experienced this, and still gotten pregnant?
I think from now on I'm going to stick with progesterone suppositories after I O......least then I know my LP will be long enough. It's just wierd, your LP isn't supposed to change more than a day or 2 at the most, each month. Why would mine be changing so drastically every time?
PS - I will be asking my fertility Dr tomorrow as well........ just feeling bummed now and needing some inspiration
Thanks to all who answer.