
A chicken and a butcher are drowning! You can only save one. Which of the two would you save?

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A chicken and a butcher are drowning! You can only save one. Which of the two would you save?




  1. the chicken!

  2. LOL!

    well ... I think I'll save the butcher because I don't know what will i do with the chicken...

  3. The butcher.  

    Then you get free meat for life and probably the chicken too.

  4. the human of course...ok yoiur mother and a kiwi are drowning which do you save...your mother...why would it be any different with the chicken and the butcher...who is still a human

  5. The chicken. I never liked the taste of raw human... Chicken is acceptable

  6. I don't know.  I think I would try to save both of them, but if I could not, I would save the human being.

  7. The chicken of course!  Then I would take it home where he/she could live out the rest of his/her life in my yard with other happy animals who never have to worry about being eaten by anyone.

  8. the chicken... let the butcher die.....

  9. That will never happen.


  10. I can't swim worth a c**p. I doubt if I could save either one.

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