
A child friendly charity or rescue??

by  |  earlier

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I recently came into some money (not a lot) and I would like to use it to give back to a charity or rescue group..the thing is, I don't want to just give them money, I want to allow my child to be a part of this and I am looking for ideas. He is 12 so he's very capable..i'm just not sure what to choose. We live in a small town in TN so there aren't a lot of shelters or rescues here. Does anyone have any ideas? And please keep in mind, I don't want to just hand over money..I want my child and I to participate...Thanks!




  1. i know of someone you can contact if you'r near los angeles and it's C.O.R. Rescue they help homeless families and they allow people to come and read spend time with the children maybe take them on a picnic and see how it goes don't offer money right away. just give them a call 323-208-1992 and they will give all their info

  2. Perhaps you could take some of the money that you have and purchase toys or other goods and donate them to a rescue group.  I think it's very  noble that you  wish to take some of your money and give it to others.

    Not sure exactly where you are from, but you can find a list of charitable organizations by going to: and typing in your zip code.

    Once you find a charity that looks like the one you'd like to help out, you can contact them ask them what is currently on their wish list (ask them to send you a copy of a wish list) and then perhaps you and your son could look at it together and pick out a few items to purchase.   And then take your son with you to purchase the items and drop them off.

  3. umm i really dont no how 2 help cuz in texas we have a lot of shelters her!!! so i really cant think of anything 2 tell you!!! im really really sorry i couldnt help!)=

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