
A child with adhd have problems stealing things from others?

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a 14 year old boy steals from others and he has adhd since he was a baby and i wanted to know if it was caused by his illness?




  1. I don't think adhd is causing him to steal though I think it could make the problem worse. I think it's important to look at the intention ie does he KNOW he's stealing or does he just think that the item is intriguing to him and he's curious so he wants it? I also think it depends on the extent of the adhd. However, lemme say that no matter the cause, it has to be addressed. 14 yrs old is old enough to be taught right from wrong using tools that they can understand based on their level of understanding. Good luck to you

  2. Adhd is real.  Stealing can be a problem for any teen and may have nothing to do with the ADHD.

  3. ADHD proably has nothing to do with it

  4. First of all, there's really no such thing as ADHD - at least, it's not a legitimate "disorder" like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

    Look, I know some people really resist the truth about this... but ADHD is sort of like "Restless Leg Syndrome"... it was invented to sell drugs. The symptoms of ADHD are actually signs of intelligence.

    If the boy is stealing, he's probably acting out on some other inner conflict... Perhaps it has something to do with having been singled out and identified as "ill," and having probably been forced to take psychoactive drugs from a young age... for his "illness"...

  5. My oldest daughter was caught stealing things from the tie she was 4 y/o.  Over the years we went to counsilors and made little progress.  When she was around 14 she was finally diagnosed ADHD.  They said it was hard to detect and the primary thing that brought them to the diagnosis was her lack of impulse control and this is a characteristic of ADHD.  She is now 27, married has her own 3 y/o daughter and lives a wonderfully normal life.  

    From a Christian perspecitve, one of the fruits of the spirit is patience.  Not easy but it is a fruit since patience pays off in the end.

    God Bless

  6. Partly yes, and partly no.  ADHD kids act on impulse without much regard of the consequences.  This may be part of it.  Counseling is my advice and talk to you about stealing and how wrong it is.  My son eventually settled down , he was adhd, but one time he got into my box where I kept my money and passed out  $50 bills (my whole paycheck) to his classmates.  Thank goodness SOME of the parents came to return it to me

  7. well sometimes adhd in young children is actually Bi Polar disorder and when you have bi polar disorder you can be manic and make irrational choices. This boy may be Bi Polar and should probably go get re-assessed. But if he does have bi polar the stealing may be caused or influenced by the illness, if he has confirmed RECENTLY that he has adhd, then i doubt it is caused by his illness.

  8. No. He is stealing because he thinks it is fun or he wants to rebel. Sounds like a normal 14 year old. Punish him the way any other child would be punished- No video games for a month! (or something similar)

  9. i would say, umm yeah im pretty sure!

    cause sometimes their very rebellious.

    so they do things they cant do.

  10. Very doubtful. But if you ask I would bet he would use that as the excuse if you didnt already put it in his head

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