
A children's dentist?

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i need to go to the dentist for braces but i really have no idea of where to go. It will really help if u can give me the name of ur favorite dentist and why so i can search it and maybe check it out. it will be better if the dentist was a girl but a guy dentist works too.

thankies =]




  1. Hello...First, you need to take your child to an Orthodontist if you have braces in mind...Second, you ask for a "Dentist Name" ...Ahhhh, there are over 50 states and thousands of Dentist in those states...So, it would help if we knew which state and which town or city in that state you live...Unless of course your wealthy and travel is not an issue...Good luck and I wish you well.

  2. becky learn to type better sis.. and thanks for answers peeps.
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