
A christian or not??

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would you say that someone was a christian if they acted like it outside of their work but when they got to work they completely changed - cussing and stuff??




  1. Yes what the guy above me said is quite true. Every human is flawed and no one can measure up to god's standard. We are all sinners and will sin in the future. God died for the sins of man. Both past and present. All sinners are saved as long as they are believers. When I first converted to Christian it was as if a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders because I was not striving to be perfect all the time.

  2. All saved believers are still sinners.

    If you think there's some "level" to achieve to "prove" to you that they're saved, then where do you draw the line?  

    Salvation is by faith alone, not by our "behaving well".  Salvation is by faith alone in the truth that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose again.   Salvation is a FREE GIFT of believing this truth about Jesus.

  3. What do you do to that poor person?

    What about gossip??? That's not too Christian either, right?

    God love you!

  4. I would say that being a Christian hasn't changed them.

  5. No. That's just mere acting.  It's called being a hypocrit.  Christians do sin like everyone else, but if that person deliberately cusses and swears for the purpose of wanting to fit in with those that he/she works with, then  perhaps it may be due to the fact that the person is afraid that his/her fellow employees will make fun of him/her if they found out that they're Christian.  True Christians don't want to fit in with the world because they are separate from the world spiritually.  No true Christian will do what they know is against God just to fit in with the world.

    Pro 17:20  He that hath a froward heart findeth no good: and he that hath a perverse tongue falleth into mischief.

    Pro 21:23  Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.

    Jas 1:26  If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.

    2Co 6:17  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

  6. i'm not going to judge them if they are or not

  7. Cussing wouldn't make them not a Christian, but it definately hurts their spiritual walk and their testimony.  

    If they are cussing, they have issues that need to be resolved... but that's for them and God to handle.  

    Still, if you are a Christian you have the right to tell them in a loving way that they need to pray about what they are doing.

  8. They are delusional, if they really think it's ok to live like that, they forget, God knows their every thought, so they should not be practicing Christianity

  9. No.  Christian means" Christ-like, if a person goes to church and mid-week services that doesn't make him a christian..  Its the walk or life he/she shows to the world that Christ reigns in them.. And just because u stand in a garage does that make u a car???  Its whats comes out of a person that defiles not what goes in... ><>  ^j^  

  10. no- if they r christian then they would be doing the will of god everywhere they go

  11. Nope, that's what is called a hypocrite! I'm not a Christian and I don't act that way.

  12. God looks at your heart. So therefor we cannot judge because we don't know.

  13. We are all sinners and have fallen short to the coming of GOD.  

  14. im sure it is  vice versa too.

    I would say yes as long as they accept god.

  15. Sure, some people might do that, Jesus wants us all to come to Him (as we are). At first when someone comes to Christ they begin to do what they think they should especially for show or to act as they have the concept in their mind of what christainity should be, but later it begins to come from the heart, truly and sincerely as God begins to take them to a deeper walk with him.

  16. No - a Christian is determined by their belief - that Jesus Christ is the one and only true living God, that he resurrected from the dead, and is therefore alive today (Romans 10:9) and was born of a virgin (indicating his sinless nature).  

  17. The truth is that no one can truly judge another person's heart, my friend.............only the individual and God knows whether they are truly saved or not.............

    God Bless.............
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