
A co-worker says he might be having a hepatitis 'flareup'. ?

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Says he's getting his blood checked by his doctors. I need to know if these 'flare-ups' are communicable.





  1. It depends upon the type of Hepatitis. There are 5 types of hepatitis, Hep A caused by unsteriled kitchen wares, Hepa B develop through genes (hereditary) and by direct contact of blood to a person who has Hepatitis and Hepa C, Hepa D and Hepa E.

    The communicable type of Hepatitis is the Hepatitis B. Once his/her blood enters to you then you will also develop Hepatitis B. Its actually the most "VITAL"  and "CONTAGIOUS" type of Hepatitis.

    Hope it helps.

  2. some are some aren't - research and learn about hepatitis - its not one particular thing

  3. Hepatitis A can be passed through fecal or anal contact to the mouth. If a person with hepa A does not wash their hands properly after going to the washroom and then touches some food or drink another person consumes that other person can get hepa A.

    Hepatitis B can be spread through saliva, vaginal fluid, blood, or s***n entering the blood stream of someone without hepa B. For example, an uninfected person can get hepa B by sharing the toothbrush of someone with hepa B.

    Hepatitis C can be spread from the blood of someone who has hepa C to the blood of someone without hepa C. For example, an uninfected person can get hepa C by using nail clippers or razors that have the blood of someone with hepa C on them. NOTE: the hepa C virus can live on stuff for months and it's difficult to clean off surfaces.

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