
A cold wind blows awakening a hollow in the heart...?

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a familiar nostalgic entity

lurking in my nights

a melancholic singing

of desperate voices

whispering through the breeze

of a dry solitary twilight

a haunting embracing

the abode of my sanity

running away

from an undeniable void

brought by dark fires

and tears of what was once thought

a numb beating heart

a nightmare in my slumber

of sleepless nights

wanting to break free

and light the candle

to see through the dark

but i find myself....

.....being succumb by the cold...

accepting... but never contented with the fate....

that i have chosen..... and in the silence.....

....a tear...... falls upon the ground....

shaking everything that i thought was a fortress....

and left me pondering.... should one emerge being buried six feet under the ground?




  1. wonderous perplexed

  2. Little by little, gradually, you will succeed in making a perfect....pessimist out of me!

    I feel like getting a shovel now.....

    I believe I can manage if it is only six feet under the ground.

    If it is more, be patient, I am calling the Fire Dept.

  3. Well, another box of cheap (yuck) whiskey, & you'll end up six feet underground... :)

    Yeah, yeah... Leave your solitude & join the world as it revolves...

  4. how should one emerge being buried six feet under the ground?

    through memories left...

    the love that's been shared

    through the heart filled with pain

    though to be with them is still in vain


  5. sounds like a really good rock song. you should add some music to that.

  6. How should you emerge? Just grab my hand.

    Quit falling in those holes though and getting yourself buried.

    Even though they just seem to appear and pull you in.

    Carry a spoon in your back pocket and start digging.


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