
A collague smells bad, how do we approach this?

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There is a member of staff that has a problem with body odour, we do not wish to embarrass her but would like to tell her that it is becoming an issue. what would you suggest? She is overweight and we do not want to offend her by mentioning it if it stems from a medical condition of some sort. thanks.




  1. Ask her if her shower is broken.

  2. That's true you could ask the personnel department what is best. If you take it on yourselves, it could be a disastor. Take note that you went to personnel at a certain date and time, because these departments sometimes do nothing. You don't want her offing herself either because you mentioned something, but take some positive action.

  3. Whenever I come across someone I work with that has a hygeine issue, I say something discreetly.  I try and make it so that the person doesnt even realise I'm saying anything about them in particular, or implying that they need to remedy something.

    On days they dont smell, ask them what body wash/spray/perfume they use because you really like it.  Be sincere about it.  A lot of people with poor habits dont take care of themselves because they have self esteem issues.  This encourages them to make smelling good a priority by complimenting them as opposed to making them feel bad about themselves.  As a general rule, people act in ways they think will make other people like them.  

    If you do it properly, you'll be making this person feel better about themselves.  And a person who sees themselves in a more positive light is more likely to take better care of themselves.

  4. two or three of you go to the next supervisor up the line who manages all of you, and ask her/him whether she/he would be able to discuss it with the smelly one, or if she/he thinks it is more appropriate to refer the matter to HR.

    that way everyone has witnesses, it doesn't look like a witch hunt, and the manager gets the picture that the person's aura, shall we say, is disrupting productivity.

    PS being overweight doesn't necessarily imply a medical condition, except maybe inability to shut mouth when food is about, but obese people may have body odour problems because their adiposity creates creases which harbour bacteria.

  5. Just go on about a horrible smell and that you don't know what it is, that might make her take a look/smell at herself. Or be more subtle and leave a can of deodarant by her desk saying "for you"

  6. There is no easy way to do it, but an anonymous letter would be best for me.

  7. The person who oversees the department needs to have a meeting of everyone in the department in which he/she has a handout prepared as to appearance, hygiene, job expectations, etc.

    This way, the person is not being singled out.  If the departmental meeting doesn't work, the supervisor needs to have a private meeting with the offensive person to tactfully explain the problem and hopefully help the employee to understand that changes need to be made.

  8. I have the same problem, except for the fact that it's at school and she's a thin girl..

    She knows the smells and well one day I started to talk with her and well, I told her she kinda smelled.

    She said she knew and I well, she told she didn't took a shower everyday and well I just carefully continued the conversation and gave her tips..

    So I think you just have to try to have a conversation with her..

  9. Take them to one side and in a quite pleasant voice suggest they get some self respect and wash.... If the problem still persist. Strap two 3 week old spam sandwiches to each under arm and a 1 month old herring to the front of your dress. Then spend the day standing next to your colleague.... At the end of the day just say this. How do you like it stinky....

  10. It is a difficult one and I think you have been given some excellent advice on how to tackle this issue and hopefully you can take this on boards and solve the problem.  Therefore I suppose I am really asking a question of you and not answering.  What I don't understand in situations such as you mention how the person can possibly not know they smell? I am a 59 yr old female.  I shower at least once a day, often more if I am going out for the evening or whatever. I consider I have good personal hygience and have no health problems that could increase body odour.  However, in the morning I simply know I require to shower......if I know this other people must also know.  If I have perhaps one evening had a curry by the morning it will have gone right through me and also if strong it actually seems to do through the pores in your arms etc. NEVER could I get dressed and go out without a bath or a shower in such a situation.  I therefore do not understand why anyone is not aware they have an odour. They may chose to igonore it and honestly think only they can smell it but I think it is utter nonsense to suggest that anyone doesn't know if they smell.

  11. That would be a job for the personnel department.

  12. try bringing some spray and use it infront of her and say if she would like some?

    or give her a quiz this sould'nt be the only question but saying what would you do if someone had bad body oder and she whats she writes down.

  13. ha ha ha

  14. Honesty is the best policy. Someone who is close to her just needs to tell her the truth.

    She STANK!

  15. I would approach this wearing a mask, white coat, rubber gloves and white wellies. Tell her you had a whip round and bought her a present of a Karcher jet wash. That will solve the problem for once and for all.

  16. Ok. you need to handle this very delicately. You need to look at it as a professional. Tell him that on a professional note that he has body Oder and it would be in his best interests if he can sort it out. Make sure you do this away from other colleagues. Dont make a joke out of it as it might hurt his feelings. :)

  17. quite difficult

    but u call ur collague and then tell her problem and also do it very calmly....thn surely she wud get tat.............

    and tell her to go for a health checkup or simply buy a DEO!!

  18. send her an email yourself then it can remain private.....say you get hot too and get sweaty in the heat and tell her what deo/perfume u use etc.....this will make her feel she is not alone.

    it is awful though and a hard one to broach but ut needs saying, smelly peeps need to know.

  19. If your "colleague" smells just that bad, then the issue needs to be addressed and should be done by HR or whomever is in charge.

    Don't tackle the problem in front of others and simply start out with saying that you've been receiving complaints from other employees about the stench. Perhaps there's something that can explain the issue or perhaps she's just fat, lazy, and stinky.

  20. "Can you smell something weird?"

    If she says no, say

    "I can smell it.. it's quite strong but I don't know where it's coming from"

    she'll get the message

  21. Buy a desk fan and blow it back in her direction

  22. oh bless, at least this is anonymous! I don't envy you we ahd this problem at school it was sorted by a peer mentor that the girl really respected. It was done quietly away from everyone else and nothing was mentioned by anyone else that way she didn't (hopefully) feel everything and everyone was against her. I am overweight baby fat i didnt shift but i'm that classic pear shape and being a rider i have a saddle bum (big) too ! i shower up to three times (in the summer in france) a day to keep cool and feel good, but this isn't an option for your colleague.

    So to summarise take her to one side - preferably one person alone don't make a big oh the whole office blah blah out of it, and offer to help her find a solution, perhaps she isn't using a strong enough deodrant (mitchums is good)

    Have you thought that as this is a work and possibly weight related issue you ought to talk to your line or office manager, there may be repercussions over this if not handled appropratley

    Good luck

  23. It's probably best to start a general conversation about perfumes, deoderants etc and what kinds you like.  Maybe tell a story about a day you forgot your deoderant.  If she is sensitive this will get her thinking about the subject without hurting her feelings.

  24. With a peg on your nose.

  25. leave her an note (dont sate your names tho)

  26. Colleague btw.

    I agree with iamjfk.  I have had to deal with this several times in the past with employees.  Smell and untidy very wrinkled clothes.  Because I was the HR it fell on me to have 'the talk'.  

    First off, this needs to be done in private.  If there is no HR and it is falling on you to do it, remember as you speak this will hurt her feelings.  Tell her you value her work/whatever it is that she does but the floor has had several complaints about her personal hygiene.  See if she is even aware of the problem.  One of my employees was highly allergic to lanolin and other things found in deodorant and had to get something from his doctor to help.  He did not realize it was affecting others.  He immediately took care of it and I never had to 'remind' him again.  

    I also had a female employee that I swear was allergic to bathing.  She was always dirty and smelly and her clothes looked like she had worn and slept in them for weeks.  

    I finally confronted her and she had no excuse ( I think it came to pure laziness).  Because her job was expendable, I ended up giving three warnings including written before having to let her go.  I know that sounds awful on my part but my employees dealt not only in close contact with each other; but she was also on a sales floor with the public and there was just no way the company I worked for would have ever let her continue.  I still feel bad at times but she had been given 3 warnings.

    As for this female, maybe she is unaware that others can 'smell' her.  Maybe it is a medical condition.  But there is always something that will help.  If it is the underarms, maybe you could gently but firmly let her know they are pretty bad and that maybe next time she washed try scrubbing with hydrogen peroxide.  Sweat is not what smells so bad.  It is the bacteria eating the sweat that makes that really bad stench some people get.  Peroxide actually kills the bacteria off.  You cannot use peroxide non-stop under your arms or they will dry out.  But it does help quite a bit.  Once the initial scrubbing, once a week will keep the bacteria down.

    As for feminine smells, maybe she has a infection she is not aware of and needs to see a doctor to clear it up.  What ever the smell need to be firm and direct but show a slight degree of compassion as well.

    Good luck...I am so glad that is not me doing it anymore!


  27. Give her gifts of shampoo, body wash, body spray, tooth paste, etc. My sister has ALWAYS had a problem with body odor and I know the people at work must smell her and she's always getting gifts like that from them.

    Its subtle so it works. No one is hurt.

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