
A collection of my thoughts on women anymore from you lot ?

by  |  earlier

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"She wears these false eyelashes. She left 'em lying around and I slammed 'em with my newspaper, tried to kill the d**n things. Scared me half to death."

"My wife's allergic to everything. Her nose is chronically stuffed. If I kissed her on the mouth, she'd suffocate."

"She has an uncanny way of standing between me and the television screen. Bases loaded, two strikes, three balls. The crowd goes wild, the pitch flies, and all I can see is her butt."

"She was furious when I got up early once and made her breakfast. Called me controlling. How dare I decide that she would eat breakfast, let alone what she'd have?"

"What's mine is hers. I buy her negligees; she sleeps in my T-shirts. When she's cold she wears my wool socks to bed, never her own. She steals my half- used razors; new ones are too sharp. She even wears my boxers. I'm tempted to switch to briefs just to see what she'd do."

"She makes lists. Things to buy. Things to do. People to call. If it's not on the list, it doesn't get done. Once, to be funny, I put "s*x" on the list. Mistake. Now it has to be on the list or it doesn't get done."

"When she gets an idea in her head, there's no stopping her. And no rest for anyone until it's done. It's not so bad when the idea is to bake cookies, or even to go on vacation. But when it's to build a new house, or to get pregnant, things get pretty intense.

"Every so often boom she's a brunette. Or I come home to a redhead. Actually, I have no idea what her natural color is.

"She'll brush her teeth but she won't go to the dentist. She says she's not afraid of the pain, she just doesn't want to put herself in the hands of any fellow who'd choose to be a dentist.

"She's stopped shaving her legs. She says that now people will know she's a natural blonde."

"In bed I'm her high school teacher, captain of the football team, her boss, the bad boy, a waiter, a lifeguard, a telephone repairman, a cop. Once in a while I'd like to be me."

"She takes those soaps too seriously. I'll come home and find her in tears because some character died. Or upset that some nonexistent guy's having a fictional affair."


"She will not shop at discount stores or sales. She thinks they're crowded and plebeian. She doesn't even look at the reduced rack, other than, perhaps,

for gifts for my mother."




  1. You forgot the womens prayer......

    Dear Lord, I pray for Wisdom to understand my man; Love to forgive him; And Patience for his moods. Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength, I'll beat him to death.  AMEN  

  2. I wish I could say I'm totally different... *hahahahahaha*


  3. Ha Ha.

  4. wow im not sure if that was a question or wat that was but it was funny and can be true which is sad cause im a woman, but if that is really how your wife or girlfriend is you are really tolerent

    LMAO you put a smile on my face  

  5. hey u seems a brave person even thinking of all these for ur

  6. Duckie,

    It's almost like you live with me.

    Keep 'em coming. You just get better and better.

    Quack! Quack!

  7. Ha ha ha - sounds like a reasonable sort of girl.

  8. Excellent compilation, duck, I daren't add my own, she might see...!

  9. like those

  10. Ok, so I'm guilty of a few of those. lol

  11. there gudens

  12. PMSL thats great.

    Lookin forward to reading some of the answers :)

  13. Ha ha ha.!!!

    That is excellent mate.!!!


    Cheers Chris.!!

  14. mmm... i wonder what she says about you?

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