
A collector is asking that I sign over my bank account after it has been restrained. What do I do"

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A collector is asking that I sign over my bank account after it has been restrained. What do I do"




  1. Tell them to go eat a bag of ****.

  2. uuuhh, duh, dont do it  

  3. First get a good phone recording device. Call him up start recording letting him know you are going to record phone call. The ask him instructions for how you should do the transfer.

    Report it to the cops and local TV/Radio station.

  4. Don't do it.  What you can do is if you owe the amount the collector is stating then make monthly payments to them but send them a money order instead of a person check, make sure to keep copies of your money orders when you pay.

  5. hiring a lawyer can work well for you in two ways will help you understand what's going on may be able to take legal action against the collector , which could put some money back in your pocket (to both pay for the lawyer as well as get you out of the financial mess)

  6. don't do it...never do that...EVER

  7. You need a lawyer. What they are suggesting is illegal. Do NOT under any circumstances agree to this. Nor should you sign anything to do with that particualr collector.

  8. Absolutely, do not do that.  He will try to intimidate you into doing that, but it would be the worst mistake you could make.

  9. Get a lawyer.

  10. Go talk to the Bank Manager

    Go to a Credit counseling Office they can help you get your financial affairs in order

    Dont sign anything over to anyone!!  

  11. dont even think of doing it and if you do you will be great trouble.

  12. If they had the legal right to take your bank account they would not be asking you. Its probable been restrained do to a pending court case that they have filed against you. Do not give them anything.

  13. Go to your bank and ask a service rep there if this is normal.

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