
A comedy drama? Details below.?

by  |  earlier

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It should have 4 characters, no more and no less.

It should be totally clean and funny.

The time limit is 15 minutes. No more than that, and no less than 10 minutes.

The best one will be getting 10 points.

Best of luck!




  1. a title? You want us to make one up...?? A 4 word comedic drama?

    The widow attacked Bananaman. this what you meant?? x'(

    Like a real one?


    Buffy the Vampire Slayer!!!! HAHAHAHAHA

  2. Did you think I was going to WRITE you one for ten points?  8^)

    Go to the library, even your school library should do. You will find many books full of 'one act plays' that are short, have few characters, and are free to use.  When I was in college we had a group that just got together one night a week to do these, to read through them, occasionally to do them for a class or something.  (I was a speech/drama major for a while).

  3. Samuel

  4. r u thinking that yahoo users are shakespheres..?

  5. A tipee of playin which the story and the charactersare amusing and which ends happily

  6. we'll get 10 points and what you'll get ?? :)

  7. Try using the scene in Act two of the (Tales of the Shrew) with the servants involved with Purchucio and Katherina. It is hilarious if acted out correctly along  with correct use of props.

    Break a leg!

    And God bless!

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