I've been looking for cheap flights from London to Atlanta from the 6th to the 1st of September for ages, and the cheapest I could find was about £690. I found this advert in a local newspaper that said ' FLIGHTBEATER. Guaranteed to beat ANY flight by 25%. If not, we will pay for your travel. WHAT HAVE YOU TO LOSE?? £££. Just email flightbeater@live.co.uk
So I emailed that address, and said can you beat a flight for £690 for these dates and destinations. And he gave me a quote for £520, which is really cheap compared to all the other prices i've found. He said he needed the names of the passengers and the D.O.B. So my mum gave him it, and said he couldn't do much with that. And he replied back saying the e-ticket should be with you tomorrow morning at the latest. We book and pay for your travel send you conformation along with e-tickets via the airline you check everything is correct then payment is via transfer bank to bank.
Should I go ahead with it or does it sound dodgy?