
A company made a chekck out to me with my last name spelled incorrectly?

by  |  earlier

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I went to the bacnk to deposit the check into my account and teller asked mt to endorse my name the way the it was spelled on the check (which was incorrect) and also the correct way it should spelled. Why did she asked for me to spell my name both ways?




  1. Hard telling why they did that.  Maybe so that the company who wrote the check can correct their records. My only other guess is that the teller was just covering herself in case the company who wrote the check questioned the signature? As long as you know the check belonged to you I wouldn't worry about it.  My name gets misspelled all the time but I was never asked to sign it as it was typed on the check.

  2. It won't be an issue at all.  They just wanted that for their records in case the check was forged.

  3. Ditto what the above poster said. It is for their records.

    You are lucky they even cashed it!

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