
A company ordered goods but did not take delivery and did not pay. What can I do?

by  |  earlier

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received an order but client refuse delivery and payment due to insufficient cash, can I sue




  1. Well if you have a confirmed order from the purchaser than you have a right to proceed legally especially if the goods are made as per the purchasers specific design/material etc.

    It will no doubt a costly affair.

    If there is an alternative to sell the said goods in the market to some of your known buyers, request them to be accommodate and sell them at no profit no loss basis. Even some loss is acceptable instead to legal formalities which will be expensive, time consuming and of mental tension.

    Preoccupation into pursuit of claims will dist rub your existing setup of business and it is best to get rid of the issue in the manner suggested herein above.

    Be careful to take some advance payment when accepting orders as this is a market custom to be followed to avoid disappointments and litigation.

  2. * do you have that company's purchase order, in any shape and form?

    if you do, you can charge for a reasonable restocking fee + any damage.

    * report to the BBB if not pay

    * sue that company if not pay within 45 days max.

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