
A concentration cell consists of the same redox couples at the anode and the cathode,

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with different

concentrations of the ions in the respective compartments. Find the unknown concentration for the following cell.

Pt(s) I Fe^3 (aq. 0.1M) , Fe^2 (aq 1M) II Fe^3 (aq ?), Fe^2 (aq 0.001M) I Pt (s) E= 0.1 V. Answer should be in M




  1. if you mean tosay that the anode compartment has:

    Fe+2 (1M) --> Fe+3 (0.1M)  & 1 e-

    and that the cathode compartment has:

    Fe+3 (?M)  & 1 e- --> Fe+2 (0.001M)


    then nernst:

    E = Eo - (0.0592 / n) (log Q)

    0.1 = 0 - (0.0592/ 1) log [0.001Fe+2] [0.1Fe+3] / [1M] [?M]

    0.1 / (-0.0592) = log (0.0001 / ?M)

    - 1.689 = log (0.0001 / ?M)

    10^x of both sides:

    0.02046 = 0.0001/ (?M)

    M = 0.0001 / 0.02046

    M = 4.89 e-3 Molar

    your answer is 0.005 Molar


    my only concern was your listing of the oxidation:

    "Pt(s) I Fe^3 (aq. 0.1M) , Fe^2 (aq 1M) II " for the anode side & whether you  meant:

    Pt(s) I , Fe^2 (aq 1M), Fe^3 (aq. 0.1M)  II  (which I used...),

    or whether you meant:

    Pt(s) I , Fe^2 (aq 0.1M), Fe^3 (aq. 1M)  II  


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