
A confirmation question for natives of english.?

by  |  earlier

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Are the following sentences truly correct and used?

"This is as good a price as you'll find anywhere."

"That's too big a pizza for one person."

"He's not my type - it doesn't matter how big a wallet he has."

How often are they used like this or does even a native not always use an article between a special noun and an adjective?

What other nouns work in the same way?




  1. gfhfh

  2. Your sentences are grammatically correct but would not be said like that in speech.


  3. i don't know if their proper for an essay, but people say them all the time.

  4. No

    This is as cheap as it gets.

    This is far to much pizza for one.

    He's not my type and it doesn't matter how big his wallet is.

  5. pretty sure none of its used incorrectly

  6. Yes, those are correct.

    Usually you hear people say them a little more jumbled, but people will definitely appreciate your good grammar.

  7. all correct.

  8. If you can count it, the noun must include quantity one way or this (a). They are called count nouns. So, as already mentioned, they are correct. The problem is that "count" nouns are not universal.

    1 price, 2 prices, 3 prices

    1 pizza, 2 pizzas

    1 wallet, 2 wallets

    Opposed to non-count or mass nouns.

    Pass me a money??? I will drink a water??? I like a spaghetti???

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