
A county constable came to my house looking for someone?

by Guest31696  |  earlier

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What could be the possible reasons a constable would look for someone?

What authorities do they have?

He had papers in his hand.




  1. In this instance I am going to assume that he was attempting to serve some sort of papers (divorce, subpoena or the like.) In many states, the County Constable (An elected position) does these jobs,freeing up Police Officers to do other jobs.  

  2. He isn't knocking on your door to ask you out!  He may have been given your address from records stating that the person he is looking for could have lived there!! People who are trying to avoid being found, give out phony addresses!! Maybe it's just a an error on the typists part! like a wrong digit - or LANE instead of Drive! Don't get upset with this, I've had people knocking on my door about the previous owner! Surprise surprise! I instructed the person he could find the gentleman at x*x Lot in the cemetary right across the street!

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